Sunday Star-Times

‘Monkey Christ’ could be repaired

- Guardian News & Media

Four years ago, 81-year-old Cecilia Gimenez noticed that the fresco of a scourged Jesus Christ that adorned the wall of the Santuario de la Misericord­ia in the Spanish city of Borja was looking a little tired, so she decided to do something about it.

Her decision to reach for her paintbrush­es was well intentione­d but spectacula­rly misguided. Gimenez’s less than expert efforts ruined Elias Garcia Martinez’s fresco, transformi­ng his Ecce Homo into a work dubbed the ‘‘Monkey Christ’’, unleashing countless internet memes, and setting a new global standard for botched restoratio­ns.

However, fears that the divine countenanc­e had been obliterate­d forever appear to have been premature.

The original painting Garcia is thought to have used as the model for the fresco resurfaced Zaragoza.

Ricardo Ostale, an antiques dealer in the Aragonese capital, arrived at his gallery on Wednesday to find a man waiting for him on the doorstep with a framed miracle.

‘‘He knew it was an Elias Garcia and he said, ‘It’s the same [as the fresco], isn’t it?’’,’ Ostale said.

‘‘It’s exactly the same because it was the original, and it’s almost certain that this is the painting he used to copy on to the wall of the santuario. It’s even exactly the same size.

‘‘For me, it was really important to find a work that we thought had been destroyed, because the fresco can’t be restored. It’s a big thrill for an art lover.’’

The painting will go on show to the public at Ostale’s gallery next month. The unveiling ceremony will be attended by the mayor of Borja, Garcia’s granddaugh­ter and, health permitting, Gimenez.

Ostale, who estimated the painting’s market value at a few thousand euros said there were no plans to sell it, although he hoped a local institutio­n might step in to secure it for the region.

He would like to see it end up next to the fresco in the Santuario de la Misericord­ia so that people can see the before and the infamous after side by side.

‘‘It’s a work of historical interest and, ideally, it would be exhibited at the santuario,’’ he said. ‘‘That way, the image could be shown alongside Cecilia’s work, which has become an internatio­nal pop icon.’’

The botched restoratio­n has brought thousands of tourists to the church.

‘‘Since it happened, a constant stream of visitors, tourists and curious individual­s has come to the church to see the unique version and to photograph it,’’ the local tourist board has said. ‘‘There’s no doubt that a visit never fails to raise a smile.’’ this week in

 ?? REUTERS ?? A man sells garlands made of now-worthless Indian 1000- and 500-rupee notes at a market in Jammu.
REUTERS A man sells garlands made of now-worthless Indian 1000- and 500-rupee notes at a market in Jammu.
 ?? REUTERS ?? A botched restoratio­n job left a fresco of Jesus looking like this.
REUTERS A botched restoratio­n job left a fresco of Jesus looking like this.

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