Sunday Star-Times

What about working with your compatriot Joel Edgerton (who plays the LAPD’s first orc recruit)? And how much time did he spend in the makeup trailer in comparison to you?


He definitely had it much worse. He had two people working on him and while I could draw and walk and everything in the chair, he had to keep completely still and his whole face was covered in prosthetic­s – it looked amazing. But he’s also such a brilliant actor – there’s not a second on screen that you don’t think his character is real. He’s so fantastic at creating voice and movement and it’s a beautiful, heartbreak­ing character. And on set, naturally, I’d always be like ‘‘thank God you’re here, someone that speaks the language’’.

And Will Smith (who plays Edgerton’s human police partner)? How did you get on with him?

He’s so lovely. He’s the sort of person who walks into the room and makes everyone feel good. He and Joel were so funny together. In many scenes with them, I was like in the back of the cop car trying not to p... my pants with laughter.

As part of promoting the movie you also got to attend your first Comic Con earlier this year. What was that experience like?

That was amazing. I was so excited and so nervous. Will could tell that I was like really scared and said, ‘‘don’t worry Lucy, I always used to pee my pants before these things too and now I just wear a diaper’’.

Finally, it’s just been announced that Amazon is going to be making a TV series. Is that something you’d be up for?

I’ve heard about it, yeah. Look, if I play elves for the rest of my life, I will be happy.

❚ Bright

is now streaming on Netflix

 ??  ?? Lucy Fry says she loved working opposite Joel Edgerton and Will Smith.
Lucy Fry says she loved working opposite Joel Edgerton and Will Smith.

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