Sunday Star-Times

Slander in bitter election campaign


Chinese-language social media was flooded with fake news and slanderous rumours about New Zealand politician­s that tainted the election results, a legal case reveals.

Labour MP Raymond Huo ended defamation proceeding­s against People’s Party President Steven Ching and his wife Ailian Siu on Tuesday, after he was subjected to wild accusation­s circulated anonymousl­y through Chinese social media site WeChat.

Ching was previously a highlyrank­ed Labour candidate, until the media discovered fisheries conviction­s that he had failed to disclose. He and Siu have signed statements admitting they published the comments and caused harm to Huo. They agreed to pay an undisclose­d sum in compensati­on.

Huo says the ordeal is proof misinforma­tion tactics and fearmonger­ing rhetoric, common in China during the Cultural Revolution, are now entering politics.

The WeChat posts included contradict­ory defamatory allegation­s that Huo harboured a hidden relationsh­ip with China, visited the Dalai Lama, had been behind news stories exposing National MP Jian Yang’s background as a lecturer at a Chinese spy academy, had serious criminal conviction­s and was the perpetrato­r of domestic violence.

It then escalated with a second anonymous post that accused Huo and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff of walking into a police station and handing over cash to wipe the MP’s non-existent criminal record.

Former Labour Party President Mike Williams said Huo had done the right thing by challengin­g the defamatory statements in court.

Voters of Chinese ethnicity had a high turnout rate at the polls and both major parties raised hundreds of thousands of dollars at dinners with the community, Williams said.

‘‘There is a kind of seething social media whirlpool going on there that people like you and I are simply not conscious of because we don’t speak the language.

‘‘You cannot make up things about people in New Zealand and publish them and that’s what these people don’t realise.’’

Ching and Siu’s lawyer, Martin Hislop, said he had advised his clients not to comment. New Zealand

 ??  ?? Raymond Huo
Raymond Huo

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