Sunday Star-Times

Teens lead gun control push


Washington, DC is hosting a massive rally today in support of gun control, one that organisers hope will prove that the country has reached an emotional tipping point on gun violence, with teenagers seizing the initiative and leading the demand for change.

The nation’s capital is generally nonchalant about protests, but today’s March For Our Lives has prompted more attention and speculatio­n than usual.

Estimates of crowd size are notoriousl­y unreliable, but organisers are hoping to draw 500,000 protesters. This would match last year’s women’s march and make the event one of the largest Washington protests since the Vietnam War era. It would also bolster claims that the nation is ready to enact sweeping changes to its gun control laws.

More than 800 other concurrent marches are planned in cities across America and dozens of locations overseas.

‘‘I look at the younger kids and the future generation­s and I never want them to go through what we went through or see what we saw,’’ said 15-year old Kayla Renert, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed on February 14.

Renert, who sheltered in a classroom during the attack and has a friend who was wounded in the leg, was on a bus bringing her into Washington from the airport after flying up from Florida. She pointed out that the Parkland shooting wasn’t even the most recent school shooting in the US. One student was wounded and another later died from her wounds after being shot on Wednesday in southern Maryland; the 17-year old gunman was also killed.

‘‘We keep saying, ‘Oh, this is going to be the last time’. But there’s already been another time,’’ Renert said.

Many of the protesters spoke pointedly about how their parents and others of their generation had failed to bring about the changes they are demanding. They present the youth-led nature of the current movement as proof that they will succeed where their predecesso­rs failed.

‘‘I’m here because previous generation­s couldn’t do what we’re doing right now,’’ said Charlie Shebes, 16, another student from the high school, on a flight from Fort Lauderdale. ‘‘I want to see safer schools. I want to see changes in gun laws.’’

The students have tapped into a powerful current of pro-gun control sentiment that has been building for years. They have also partnered with well-funded liberal groups such as Everytown For Gun Safety, the gun control advocacy group founded by former New York mayor and billionair­e Michael Bloomberg.

Polls indicate that public opinion nationwide may indeed be shifting on an issue that has simmered for generation­s, and through dozens of mass shootings.

A new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Centre for Public Affairs Research found that 69 per cent of respondent­s thought gun laws in the US should be tightened – up from 61 per cent who said the same in October 2016, and 55 per cent when the AP first asked the question in October 2013.

Overall, 90 per cent of Democrats, 50 per cent of Republican­s and 54 per cent of gun owners polled said they now favoured stricter gun control laws. ‘‘To me, it feels like this is THE moment when it’s all going to change,’’ said Anne Tumlinson, who will be hosting about half a dozen high school demonstrat­ors from Jacksonvil­le, Florida at her Washington home. A grassroots campaign among Washington residents resulted in more than 1500 Washington­ians offering their homes to underage out-of-town demonstrat­ors.

But even with claims of historic social momentum on the issue of gun control, the AP poll also found that nearly half of respondent­s did not expect elected officials to take action.

One of the questions facing the march’s organisers and participan­ts will be how to translate this one-day event, regardless of turnout, into meaningful legislativ­e change.

One way is by channellin­g the current energy into mid-term congressio­nal elections later this year. Students in Florida have focused on youth voter registrati­on, and there will be a registrati­on booth at today’s rally.

‘‘We’re pushing the message of now is the time for action but also November is going to be the time for action. It’s the time to make our voice heard when we’re voting,’’ said Alex Wind, a 17-yearold student from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

‘‘We are the age of people that don’t vote normally. We’re going to change that.’’

 ?? AP ?? Ilan Alhadeff, with wife Lori Alhadeff, left, holds a photo of their daughter, Alyssa Alhadeff, 14, who was killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, during a rally by lawmakers and student activists in support of gun control at the US Capitol in...
AP Ilan Alhadeff, with wife Lori Alhadeff, left, holds a photo of their daughter, Alyssa Alhadeff, 14, who was killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, during a rally by lawmakers and student activists in support of gun control at the US Capitol in...

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