Sunday Star-Times

The Shotover’s canyon swing

- Pamela Wade

This is the highest cliff jump in the world. Yes, it’s a 109-metre cliff that you jump off, of your own volition.

You’re attached by ropes and a harness so that when you reach the maximum length – 100m below the jump platform and well short of the surface of the Shotover River – you glide into a pleasing swing.

After some soaring back-andforths, you’re winched to the top again, gibbering with excitement.

Why go

Because your standard excuse for not doing a bungee jump (that you don’t fancy the sudden change of direction) doesn’t apply.

It’s a smooth transition from the 60m free-fall drop into the 200m swing, so there’s no physical shock. Apart from the initial leap, that is, for which you’re offered a wide range of options, each of them carefully ranked on Shotover Canyon Swing’s underpants scale.

It claims more than 70 jumpstyles: forwards, backwards, sitting on a chair, or a trike, slipping down a slide, head- or feet-first, flipping . . . Perhaps the cruellest is the Cutaway, where your last connection to security is snatched away before your eyes, though the Sparta, where your jumpmaster­s shove you backwards off the platform with a foot to your stomach, is also a strong contender.

Insider’s tip

The jumpmaster­s are profession­als, practised in funny reassuranc­e and friendly sadism. They’ll have you laughing one second, screaming the next. Be ready. And dress appropriat­ely for all that upsidedown action.

On the way/nearby

The company also has the Fox, a zipline across the Shotover Canyon, that starts at 182m high with a fivemetre drop and, there and back, totals 445m.

If you have more adrenaline to expend, there’s the Shotover Jet just down the river for some superfast skimming and stomachchu­rning 360s. Or, you could just chill out afterwards in the Ferg

Burger queue, almost next to the Canyon Swing shop.

How much?

A solo canyon swing is $249 a person ($49 for an extra go), but you can get a better deal on a combo fare with the flying fox ride.

If you fancy plunging with a buddy, you can save $20 each (but you mustn’t weigh over 180kg, combined). And the 8.30am swing is cheaper.

Transport is included from the shop in Queenstown, 15 minutes ahead of your slot: 21⁄2 hours altogether. And yes, you will get a refund if you chicken out on the platform.

Best time to go

The operation runs year-round, multiple times a day, depending on the season. Book well ahead. canyonswin­

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