Sunday Star-Times



‘‘No matter who or how old you are, we all have the ability to learn more, listen more, smile more, help more, dance more, be more and live more.’’

New year, newish me. We made it. Yes, we still have indigestio­n from the past few weeks of eating leftovers but we’re here, focused on the year ahead. Feeling sharp: 20/20 vision meets 20/20 motivation.

New year, new you. Well, that’s the problem. The old you wasn’t as bad as you think.

Every year, once the indigestio­n wears off, early January is when you start to reflect and plan this new you – ‘‘I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do that.’’

Most of the time these promises are far too ambitious and by February 1 you’ve given up on your sugar-free diet and are knee-deep in a hokey pokey icecream.

Baby steps, people. Your lifestyle isn’t as bad as you think it is. Here’s my top 12 things you could try this year to not only make you feel better, but help the people around you, too.


Say hi to your neighbour. Sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how many of us don’t really communicat­e with the people who are closest to us. They hear you singing from the shower and when you snap at the kids for stealing your scorched almonds. They can smell your burnt BBQ. We’ve just moved to Tauranga and last week I made sure to go and chat to all four neighbours. Now it feels like a wee village instead of a series of bunkers.


Diet? Pfft. If that’s your number one goal, then go for it. If not, just try and be healthier. Swap out a beer/coffee/ tea for water now and then. Easy. Just last week I had one of those non-alcoholic beer things and, surprise surprise, it just tastes like beer. It’s not exactly healthy water but remember, baby sips.


Run. I don’t mean sign up for a blimmin’ marathon but get outside with your kids, your dog, your pet turtle – whoever – just get active. Even if it’s just for five minutes. That five minutes means the world to your kids. Or turtle. If you’re over 30, remember to stretch.


Smile. I lived in Auckland for a long time. You can walk the entire length of Queen St without someone smiling. Smile at a passing stranger. Not a creepy how you doin’ smile, but just a small ‘‘gidday’’ smile. Try it.


Do that thing that is at the bottom of your to-do list. You’ll feel like Sir Ed knocking the ol’ bastard off. For me, I need to shovel and wheelbarro­w a twometre pile of 30-year-old compost into a trailer and then take it to the dump. A full strength cold one will be required after that one.


Read a book. I haven’t read a book in more than five years. Last week I bought one on sale from The Warehouse for $8.50. Let’s hope I can still read.


Dance. There’s nothing I love more than turning the stereo on at home and dancing around like an idiot with the kids. Again, remember to stretch.


Take off your tunnel vision or try expanding your world to learn more about others. This ain’t 1950s New Zealand any more and we all need to be open to new people and ideas. Listen.


Relax. I’m a bit of a workaholic. I’m my own boss and that boss is a prick. He constantly feels like I need to do more, be more, accomplish more. But this year whenever I’m offered an opportunit­y to ‘‘relax’’ I’m going to take it. So many of us hear, ‘‘Hey man you want to come to the beach this weekend?’’ and our instant reply without even thinking is, ‘‘Oh yeah, nah, maybe. I think I’ve got a bit on.’’ Why not just say YES?


Charity. Don’t roll your eyes. If you’re against them, so be it. If you’re like one of the thousands of Kiwis who um and ahh and sit on the fence then this year pull finger, do your research and pick a charity to support. If you want help choosing, Google KidsCan. They make sure every kid in New Zealand starts life with an equal opportunit­y. I’m a bit biased as I’m an ambassador for them, but they’re a bloody worthy cause.


Wear sunscreen. It’s bloody hot out there and that ugly ozone hole over NZ isn’t going anywhere soon. Noone likes your peely shoulders flaking skin particles on to my steak and cheese pie.


Take on all of the above or just one. Don’t set yourself ridiculous goals. Take small steps into becoming the person you want to be, but never stop bettering yourself. No matter who or how old you are, we all have the ability to learn more, listen more, smile more, help more, dance more, be more and live more. And most importantl­y, blow on the pie more. It’s never quite ready when you think it is.

Safer communitie­s together. Happy 2020.

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 ??  ?? Dance like no-one’s watching in 2020.
Dance like no-one’s watching in 2020.
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