Sunday Star-Times

Six tips to get your business through the coming downturn.

- Gary Rohloff Gary Rohloff founded Laybuy in 2016

The move to alert level 1 will have seen retailers and small business owners across the country breathe a collective sigh of relief. The further easing of restrictio­ns, and loosening of social distance guidelines, means many will have been able to return to business as usual.

But while they might have survived the immediate challenge of lockdown, the reality is many will now be facing a long and difficult winter as a recession begins to bite.

And while every business will be facing its own unique challenges, and will need to take their own approach, there are six key steps I believe every customer-facing business owner should be taking right now to see them through the current economic storm.

Focus on what you can control. While it’s easy to get caught up in the noise, especially when you are under pressure, this only distracts you from what you need to be focussing on – your business!

Write a plan outlining the steps you are going to take and talk it through with your family and your team.

Accept that at times like this sleepless nights are inevitable and the pressure will be immense. This is the part of owning a business that others don’t see. But the rewards will make it worth the sacrifice.

Having a plan outlining how you will make through the coming months will help relieve some of the stress.

Critically look at your business model. Ask yourself the tough questions – what do my customers want and am I providing it? Has the market fundamenta­lly changed? How do I reshape my business so that it can survive and can then thrive?

Some of the answers to these questions might be confrontin­g. This is OK. Some of the world’s most successful businesses have been on the brink of collapse and have had to make fundamenta­l changes to their business model to survive.

Check for efficiency. Look at every opportunit­y to reduce costs and improve your cash flow. While you might have already done this during lockdown, repeat the exercise and then repeat it again.

It’s the simple things that can make the difference, but that are most often forgotten. Review your electricit­y, phone and internet plans. Talk to your insurance broker, look at your supplier contracts and have a conversati­on with your landlord. In times like this, it is in their interest to have a stable and reliable tenant.

While it’s never easy, review your staffing model. But although your staff are not only one of your highest costs, they are also among your most important assets.

At times like this, marketing is never more important. Drasticall­y reducing your marketing budget is almost always a mistake. But the time is right to review it.

Competitio­n is strong and customers need to know what you are offering. You need to be looking at how you can grow your customer base, and marketing helps you do this. Social media should be a key part of your strategy.

Make it as easy as possible for customers to buy your product. Research and understand your customers. Are your opening hours aligned to when they are actually buying? Remember, in tough economic times, many consumers are also struggling so consider alternativ­e payment methods, such as lowrisk credit options, that help them buy from you. If you are not online, get online. There is simply no excuse in 2020 for you not to have some form of online offering.

Finally, remember that customer service is everything! This needs to be ingrained into your company’s culture. Consumers have a choice and you need to work hard to earn their repeat business. It’s the simple things that matter – service with a smile, going the extra mile and having every customer feel like they are the most important person on earth. That will see them return time and again.

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