Sunday Star-Times

Tear gas banned at peaceful protests


A US judge yesterday ordered Seattle police to temporaril­y stop using tear gas, pepper spray and flash-bang devices to break up largely peaceful protests, a victory for groups who say authoritie­s have overreacte­d to recent demonstrat­ions over police brutality and racial injustice.

The liberal city with a lengthy history of massive, frequent protests has taken hits from all sides – from demonstrat­ors, some city officials, the president and now a judge – over the way it has responded to crowds taking to the streets following George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapoli­s police. Those on the right say the mayor and police chief aren’t being tough enough on protesters who have taken over part of a neighbourh­ood near downtown Seattle, while those on the left say police tactics have been far too harsh.

US District Judge Richard Jones sided with a Black Lives Matter group that sued the Seattle Police Department this week to halt the violent tactics it has used to break up protests.

Last weekend, officers used tear gas, pepper spray and other force against crowds of protesters. Jones’ order halts those tactics for two weeks, though demonstrat­ions this week have been calm.

Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best have apologised to peaceful protesters who were subjected to chemical weapons. But Best has said some demonstrat­ors violently targeted police, throwing objects and ignoring orders to disperse. Both have faced calls to resign, which they have rejected.

The judge said those objecting to the police tactics make a strong case that the indiscrimi­nate use of force is unconstitu­tional. Jones said weapons like tear gas and pepper spray fail to target ‘‘any single agitator or criminal’’ and they are especially problemati­c during the coronaviru­s pandemic. ‘‘Because they are indiscrimi­nate, they may even spill into bystanders’ homes or offices as they have done before,’’ Jones wrote.

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