Sunday Star-Times

Europe faces drug snowstorm


Record amounts of cocaine are being seized in Europe, while manufactur­ing of the drug is now taking place inside the European Union, officials in charge of fighting and monitoring drugs use in the bloc have warned.

More than 214 tonnes of cocaine were seized in Europe in 2020, a 6% increase from the previous year. Experts from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) believe that this could reach 300 tonnes in 2022.

With a market retail value estimated at €10.5 billion (NZ$17.3b) in 2020, and about 3.5 million European citizens reporting having used it in the past year, cocaine is the secondmost used drug in the EU after cannabis. Its availabili­ty in Europe has never been higher, with extremely high purity and low prices.

While most cocaine manufactur­ing still occurs in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, EU experts are worried by the processing now taking place inside the 27-nation bloc, particular­ly in Belgium, Spain and the Netherland­s. Between 2018 and 2020, 45 illicit laboratori­es were discovered.

Laurent Laniel, a scientific analyst at the EMCDDA, said cocaine powder was often smuggled from South America to

Europe in carrier materials such as charcoal and plastics, then extracted in local laboratori­es.

EMCDDA director Alexis Goosdeel said the availabili­ty on the continent of large amounts of cocaine base and paste increased the risk of seeing new forms of highly addictive crack emerging in European markets.

‘‘We are now facing a growing threat from a more diverse and dynamic drug market that is driven by closer collaborat­ion between European and internatio­nal criminal organisati­ons,’’ he said.

The expansion of the cocaine market has also seen a rise in violence and corruption in the EU, with fierce competitio­n between trafficker­s leading to a rise in homicides and intimidati­on.

Meanwhile, the EU’s methamphet­amine market has been growing in recent years after being initially concentrat­ed in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In 2020, a total of 215 methamphet­amine laboratori­es were dismantled in the region.

According to Europol, the EU agency for law enforcemen­t, European manufactur­ers of synthetic drugs are working with Mexican cartels to increase production.

 ?? AP ?? Record amounts of cocaine are being seized in Europe, and the drug is now being manufactur­ed there, officials say.
AP Record amounts of cocaine are being seized in Europe, and the drug is now being manufactur­ed there, officials say.

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