Taranaki Daily News

Tysons grind out win over Old Boys in physical tussle


NETBALL: Whoever said netball was a non-contact sport must have forgotten to mention it to New Plymouth Old Boys and Tysons.

The sides played out a physical encounter in the Taranaki premier one netball competitio­n in Stratford on Thursday night, where Tysons were able to take a 61-43 win.

But they were made to work for it.

Opting to give some of his younger players some game time, Tysons coach Che Tamati began the match with usual starters Amber Bellringer and Madeline Wells on the bench, with Levi Parete and Rochelle Ngatai benefiting.

From the opening whistle, Old Boys looked to play a high tempo game and put pressure on the young Tysons players on the defensive end.

Old Boys were able to jump out to a 4-0 lead early on before Tysons’ new combinatio­ns began to string some passes together.

With some inexperien­ce on the court, Tysons’ passes were being picked off at the vital moment as it appeared some combinatio­ns weren’t quite working.

Old Boys made the most of the first quarter, taking a 13-10 lead with them into the second.

It proved to be the only one the New Plymouth side controlled, as the introducti­on of Bellringer, Wells and Jane Parker steered the ship back on course for Tysons.

Bellringer and Wells made an immediate impact on the offensive end, while Parker proved to cause a few issues at the other end of the floor.

Throughout the first half, every player looked desperate for the ball, with bodies flying after loose possession­s and a whole lot of contact calls being made.

With Parker and Elizabeth Tuki cause the Old Boys shooters some problems, Tysons were able to capitalise on defensive rebounds and solid shooting to end the half ahead by four.

The second half followed suit, with Old Boys’ goal defence Miaana Walden playing a hard brand of defence.

However, Tysons were able to edge further and further ahead in the half and in the end the score flattered the Waitara team.

Tamati said he saw the match as a good opportunit­y to give some of the younger players a taste of the top Taranaki netball grade.

‘‘You’ve got to give them the opportunit­ies against the tough teams. There’s no point taking people and sitting them on the bench and only playing them in should-win games.

‘‘Old Boys are tough, they’re very physical so you’ve got to give the girls that experience or you’re never going to grow the club.’’

He said he thought Tysons were a little bit too soft during the match and they needed to be more physical when coming up against tough teams like Old Boys.

‘‘We’re looking to score 80 per cent off our ball and 40 per cent off turnovers. We didn’t achieve that tonight.’’

In other results, Inglewood beat Sacred Heart Girls’ College 64-23 while Naumai beat Western Suburbs 62-41.

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