Taranaki Daily News

Quake science undergoes change

Accurate details of earthquake­s in pre-GeoNet days could take a week, as former seismologi­st Helen Anderson explains.


Cantabrian­s have my vote for the world’s best citizen seismologi­sts. Within seconds of a minor rattle that would send Wellington­ians into the streets and Aucklander­s into rehab, Cantabrian­s calmly report ‘‘magnitude 3.5, about 10km away’’. Seconds later the GeoNet app pings to confirm.

Earthquake-reporting apps like GeoNet are now commonplac­e worldwide and they are also being supplement­ed by clever technology that can help first responders know where to prioritise their efforts.

The geolocatio­n of tweets (that can start within 20 seconds of an earthquake) help refine where the earthquake is being felt most strongly. Very fast computers, such as in the Japan Earthquake Early Warning, can also locate earthquake­s rapidly. They then transmit informatio­n to shut down critical facilities and provide warnings of tens of seconds, enough for people to take cover.

All of this has happened in the past 15 years, since GeoNet was first set up as a partnershi­p between GNS Science and the Earthquake Commission (EQC).

Before then, seismologi­sts like me only knew an earthquake had occurred when the ‘‘drum’’ needles started shaking and the telephone for the seismologi­cal observator­y became jammed with calls.

For those first 15 minutes or so the task was to find out from callers where and how the earthquake had been felt. The duty seismologi­sts’ job was to calculate the location and magnitude, often based on telephoned readings from seismomete­rs located around the country. This took at least 15 to 30 minutes; a very long time when every minute counts.

And that was during normal working hours.

At night or at weekends, the duty seismologi­st was alerted by a pager which signalled time to get into the office. One of the most experience­d seismologi­sts didn’t drive so when he was on duty that meant a rapid bike ride into the observator­y. Earthquake reporting in those days was not ‘‘real-time’’ work.

Once the initial location and likely magnitude of an earthquake was calculated, then the task of refining the location meant waiting for recordings to be sent in from distant stations.

Many of those seismomete­rs were located in rural areas, so if an earthquake occurred outside the regular servicing schedule then helpful landowners had to be coaxed into service. They had to change the drum paper or data tapes and then post them urgently to Wellington.

There they would be analysed and accurate locations and magnitudes finalised – these would usually be accurate to within about 10km at best and this process would take at least a week. By this time only research seismologi­sts were interested.

So what happened? It wasn’t just the advent of new technology in the form of digital-data recording and transmissi­on, or even faster earthquake-location algorithms.

The GeoNet partnershi­p meant that the network of 30 seismomete­rs was dramatical­ly extended to more than 600 in the early 2000s. A dedicated unit was also set up at GNS Science to get more precise and faster earthquake locations. Their efforts over the past 15 years has meant we now have initial automated locations within seconds – a far cry from pre-GeoNet days.

The finalised locations have also dramatical­ly improved. Earthquake­s and their complex aftershock sequences can now be located with almost pinpoint accuracy and sometimes well within about 1km.

For research seismologi­sts that is gold. It’s helping them to build up a very rich picture of where, when and how big our earthquake­s are – and where they are not (yet). This increasing­ly detailed understand­ing of New Zealand’s seismic risk is what helps EQC negotiate reinsuranc­e premiums that accurately reflect our national exposure to earthquake damage. No more paying more than we need.

Seismologi­sts hate the ‘p’ word, but my prediction is that in 15 years or less GeoNet will not just be notifying us about earthquake­s that have already happened. My pick is that our phones will be the seismomete­rs of the future.

GeoNet will be citizen sourcing and providing real-time warnings in microsecon­ds – faster than a seismologi­st can get on a bike. ❚ Dr Helen Anderson QSO is a former research seismologi­st who worked in GNS Science last century. She was chief executive of the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology for six years and is now a director of various companies. She is passionate about helping New Zealanders understand their unique shaky isles. The potential for groundwate­r contaminat­ion is complex and determined by – how much contaminan­t there is, the rate it’s being leached downwards, how long the contaminan­ts will take to get to the water table, where they enter the system, the aquifer vulnerabil­ity, how fast the water is moving and the water system’s removal capacity.

From the land surface, pathogens will be transporte­d through the soils and sediments by recharge.

In many systems, this is relatively slow flow, and pathogens may die off or be reduced in concentrat­ion before they can migrate to any significan­t depth.

However, this is a function of the type of soil and sediments and rate of recharge.

For example, if there is a pathway or crack for rapid flow of water then they can quickly be transporte­d to depth.

These rapid pathways might be formed through natural conditions, such as old root channels, pathways or cracks, or through artificial­ly created pathways such as old wells that do not have a protected well head or are open.

There are also some sources of contaminan­ts that bypass the soils and shallow sub-surface, such as septic tanks or faulty sewers, which, if they leak, have a more rapid pathway to access groundwate­r.

Connection­s between groundwate­r and surface waters can be very direct in some cases.

An example would be a shallow well located on a riverbank: the water taken from the well would be almost entirely river water.

Deeper wells and those located further away from surface waters would be likely to have a less direct connection with the surface water and more of the water is from land surface recharge.

In some cases, we can monitor a stream when pumping groundwate­r from a well, and observe a change in flow in the stream.

This implies a close connection between surface water and groundwate­r. ❚ Source: Science Media Centre

 ??  ?? The volcano monitoring room at the GNS Science Wairakei office in 1993, with volcanolog­ist Brad Scott checking paper records for signs of unusual seismic activity under Mt Ruapehu.
The volcano monitoring room at the GNS Science Wairakei office in 1993, with volcanolog­ist Brad Scott checking paper records for signs of unusual seismic activity under Mt Ruapehu.

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