Taranaki Daily News

New coach ensures Ferns stay grounded


As her first game in charge of the Silver Ferns began on Saturday night in Auckland, new coach Janine Southby was making sure to keep her focus.

Less than two hours later, it was all said and done, with the Ferns beating England 65-39, an impressive start to their new era and the new Quad Series tournament.

But for Southby, it took a little while longer for the result and the meaning of the occasion to sink in.

‘‘I just tried to keep it really real for me from a coaching point of view, and just stay focused on what I need to do,’’ she said.

‘‘I didn’t want to get too caught up in it, because I thought if you get too caught up in it and get too emotional, you don’t think clearly. The big thing for me was just keeping in the moment.

‘‘I had a chance to reflect on it later on Saturday night, and that was really nice.’’

As first games go, a 26-goal win has to be up there with the best of them, and Southby said she was pleased with the result, even if it was hopefully just the first of many more to come.

‘‘It’s early days and we’ve got lots to work on. It probably sounds a bit boring to people when they hear coaches say that, but we’re just at the start of what we’re trying to achieve, and we know we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.’’

Sunday’s showdown with Australia in Melbourne already looms large as the likely series decider, but before then, the Ferns must take care of South Africa in Hamilton on Wednesday.

The Norma Plummer coached outfit lost 68-43 to Australia in their first game of the series, but Southby and the Ferns won’t be taking them for granted.

‘‘I know it sounds really cliched, but we can never afford to get ahead of ourselves,’’ she said.

‘‘Saturday’s result was fantastic, but we can’t just walk out there on Wednesday night and expect the same thing to happen. It’s about going back to the drawing board and staying real.’’

Experience­d defender Anna Harrison will miss the South Africa game, as she recovers from the calf injury she suffered last week, but is still in contention to play Australia on the weekend.

Harrison’s continued absence means Jane Watson has remained with the squad.

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