Taranaki Daily News

Dear Taranaki rugby supporters


On behalf of everyone here at the Taranaki Rugby Union, I would like to extend our sincere thanks for the support over the 2016 season and especially the support at Yarrow Stadium on Sunday.

For the players, coaches, and staff it was massively exciting to host a premiershi­p semi-final. Ultimately we failed to achieve our goal of contesting the premiershi­p final, but we have no complaints, Tasman played well and deserved the win on the day.

I am proud of the character shown by our team to fight their way back into a position to win, late in the game.

I would like to offer my apologies to our members that were affected by technical difficulti­es with ticketing early last week.

Our members are extremely important to us as an organisati­on. We are working with the ticketing company to make sure this does not happen in the future.

Thanks for your support, it does make a difference. Have a great summer and we hope to see you back at Yarrow Stadium in 2017. Michael Collins TRFU Chief Executive

Set it straight

In the Taranaki Daily News on October 11 Heather Dodunski (exdeputy mayor) stated that one of her highlights as chair of the Inglewood Community Board, was the creation of the Fritz Reuter Square in honour of the early Polish settlers. Let’s set the record straight. This corner was created by the Inglewood Lioness Club well before she came on the scene. In July 1990 the club drew up plans of a scented garden for this corner and presented them to the district council for approval. After much delay the slightly modified plans were agreed to, and with the guidance of Graeme Mulvey from the council, the first of many weekend working bees was started in March 1991.

These gardens were officially opened on Friday, June 21, 1991 at 9.45am by the R.T Hon. Jim Bolger Prime Minister. The club looked after these gardens for many years, until the council decided they would take over and upgrade them a bit more and it was at this time the Polish Memorial was installed in the back corner, and it complement­s these gardens. The driving force to have this memorial installed was the late Floss Lambert and Sister Martha I have a love-hate relationsh­ip with telephone callers. Not the cold callers who try to get access to my computer or drum up business by offering me a deal too good to be

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