Taranaki Daily News

Equal treatment


Use motor camps

It’s hard not to notice the empty motor camps in Taranaki, and full council reserves along the coast.

Freedom campers like to park up next to the sea for free. We have plenty of motor camps complete with infrastruc­ture in place next to popular beaches. It makes sense to make it affordable for them to stay in them at budget price, no frills stay, camp them together, cold water shower, they all have their own gas cookers and only require water and toilets. Put on your signage ‘‘We welcome freedom campers’’. Ted Burrows New Plymouth We are all immigrants to New Zealand. Whether you came to New Zealand in a canoe, ship or jumbo jet we are all immigrants.

This being the case let us compare some costs to the Government of two groups of immigrants i.e. Maori against those from Europe and the UK.

Maori have received billions of dollars in treaty settlement­s over the years and still have many more to be settled. Maori make up the majority of criminals in our prisons costing the tax payer $90,000+ per year each.

Maori are one of the highest groups of unemployed receiving millions of dollars in benefits and Maori make up the majority of gang members in New Zealand who run the illicit drug trade. Taking all these facts into account, Maori cost the New Zealand tax payer many billions of dollars every year.

Now compare the immigrants from Europe and the UK.

These immigrants arrive in New Zealand most of them having already secured jobs. They bring with them millions of dollars adding to the economy by purchasing or building houses. These immigrants are mostly law abiding citizens and do not belong to any criminal organisati­ons.

When they turn 65 and apply for their NZ pension the Government steals over $350 million dollars per year (and rising) from their overseas retirement savings (similar to Kiwisaver) stating they do not want the ordinary Kiwi to be disadvanta­ged.

Given the examples above and the costs briefly outlined - the question must be asked of Government: Which group is being disadvanta­ged? We are all immigrant New Zealanders so why are we not all treated the same? Paul Rea Hawera

Farm party

Stratford Demonstrat­ion Farm is celebratin­g their centennial with a celebratio­n event on June 10, 2017. People previously connected to the farm (past managers and committee members etc) are invited to register their interest.

The organising committee would appreciate any informatio­n as to the whereabout­s and contact details of past associates of the society. Please contact the committee to register your interest by contacting: 07 895 4566 Paul Kuriger, PO Box 334 Stratford 4352, stratfordd­emofarm@cmk.co.nz Tracy Kivell Secretary Stratford Demonstrat­ion Farm Society Inc

Only one option

The money has been approved and set aside for the upgrade of State Highway 3 over Mt Messenger with extra passing lanes north and a bypass of the tunnel in the Awakino Gorge with two bridges.

There is only one route - the No 3 option. The shortest and straightes­t for safety and maintenanc­e, with passing lanes up for slower traffic on both sides.

Fifty five years ago the Mahoenui hills were straighten­ed from winding slow roads. Look at it today, the maintenanc­e is minimal and the traffic flows. Mt Messenger’s No 3 option is for the next 100 years, so do it the right way now. We are dependent on a good heavy trucking road from New Plymouth north and back again.

There is talk about the native birds being liberated into DOC bush, that is a red herring; they have never lived in this area, I understand. Of the 5.8 km of road about half of it will be going through DOC bush, there will not be many hectares of bush removed.

We want a road when built that will give safety for all travellers, buses, cars, bikes and heavy trucking.

From someone that travels a lot up north and back, No 3 option is the only way. I ask Jonathan Young MP New Plymouth, Barbara Kuriger MP Taranaki and King Country to go along with the No 3 option, it may cost more but it has been approved to start in the near future. Stuart W Green New Plymouth

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