Taranaki Daily News

Top two through to final


The cream did rise to the top. The two most consistent and best teams in the Taranaki premier club rugby competitio­n have made it through to the final next Saturday when defending champions Tukapa will meet Coastal for the title.

Tukapa left it late to sneak past Spotswood United 16-15 at Sanders Park while Coastal had a bit easier time, beating Southern 25-8 at Rahotu.

It was a final many were predicting some weeks ago but Spotswood United’s improved showing and Southern’s win over Coastal a fortnight ago had some picking it might not eventuate.

It did and Coastal will head to Yarrow Stadium confident they can make it a clean sweep of wins over their city rivals when they meet for a third time this season.

They were certainly a bit better than Southern in key aspects of the semifinal.

They started better, scoring early through the impressive Dylan Juffermans, while they also crossed just before and just after halftime to open up a lead that Southern never really looked like pegging back.

Their defence also had a harder edge to it as they often slowed Southern’s ball down by holding up the ball carrier while they were well organised across the park.

Another tick in their box came in the halves combinatio­n where former Canterbury No 9 Logan Crowley afforded veteran and captain Brett Goodin plenty of space at first receiver to create multiple phases.

For all their hard work, Southern lacked the precision when it really counted. They had several attacking lineouts that resulted in throws that were not straight while they also missed the absent Trinity Spooner-Neera with captain Jackson Ormond their only really attacking threat.

They never gave up, though, and pounded the line late only for Coastal’s stoic defence to win out.

‘‘We got the job done today by playing a more territory type game and dictated things up front I reckon,’’ Goodin said. ‘‘We wanted to get up off the line and shut their space down and the boys did pretty well.’’

Goodin was delighted that they nailed tries at crucial times.

‘‘We knew they were always chasing the game. It’s always hard chasing.’’

Southern coach Jason Skipper accepted they just did not take the chances afforded to them.

‘‘We didn’t execute but that was pressure from them. For the first 15 or 20 it was a bit of a battle and it was whoever came out on top after that and they did.’’

Tukapa booked their place in the final with a Jayson Potroz penalty goal five minutes from time but coach Laurence Corlett admitted the ’’better team lost.’’

In the end it was experience which got the home side through, he said.

‘‘You can’t buy experience, our guys have been to finals and we know how to play to the final whistle.’’

It was a huge disappoint­ment for Spotswood United who had dominated the second half with powerful forward display in heavy conditions to lead 15-13 with time almost up on the clock.

‘‘The boy’s are pretty devastated, we had them in the forwards but the little small moments went against us,’’ Spotswood United coach Rhys Connell said.

Energetic flanker Toa Halafihi opened the scoring for the visitors with a try after five minutes.

Spotswood used their forward strength to dominate the third quarter and were rewarded with a try to hooker Matt Goodwin.

Tukapa were under the pump most of the last quarter but managed to break out of their half to win the crucial penalty from a Spotswood ruck infringeme­nt 40 metres out.

Potroz’s long range kick from in front scrapped over bar to the delight of the home crowd.

Tukapa, led by Mitchell Crosswell and Louis Duffels des Forges, stood out in the forwards while big tackling centre Pomare Samupo and Jack Cameron at first five were strong in the backs.

Big number 8 Pita Sowakula and hooker Matt Goodwin were standouts in the forwards for Spotswood United.

 ?? OTO: SIMON O’CONNOR ?? Spotswood United’s Pita Sowakula goes up for the ball against Tukapa.
OTO: SIMON O’CONNOR Spotswood United’s Pita Sowakula goes up for the ball against Tukapa.

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