Taranaki Daily News

Serco sued for $500k by bashed prisoner


A former inmate who was allegedly assaulted at Mt Eden Correction­s Facility is suing private prison operator Serco for $500,000, claiming the company failed to keep him safe from other prisoners.

Alex Littleton said Serco had allowed a culture of violence to exist at the remand prison in Auckland and failed to adequately supervise the inmates housed there.

Littleton said he was bashed by three other prisoners after he refused to help them arrange for contraband to be smuggled into the prison.

He claimed they punched, kicked and stomped on him and that one of the inmates threatened to stab with with ‘‘a shank’’.

Littleton said he escaped onto an upper floor landing but was then pushed off by one of his attackers, causing a broken nose and head trauma, and fractures to both his legs.

He said that after he was released from hospital Serco failed to provide adequate medical care.

Littleton said prison staff only helped him go to the bathroom once a day, forcing him to defecate in his bed.

The details of the alleged assaults emerged in a July 7 ruling from the High Court at Auckland on whether the former inmate should provide security for costs.

Serco has not accepted Littleton’s claims, and denies breaching any duty of care in putting him at risk.

The private operator requested Littleton pay security, which would see Littleton cover Serco’s legal costs if his case was not upheld.

However, Justice Edwin Wylie said Littleton was clearly in no position to make such payments, and said making such an order would block his attempt to seek justice.

‘‘The imposition of an order for security of costs in the present case would prevent Mr Littleton from pursuing his case,’’ the judge wrote in his decision.

Justice Wylie also ordered Serco to provide additional documents that were sought by Littleton.

‘‘To succeed, he will need to show that Serco deliberate­ly ran a consciousl­y appreciate­d risk that he might be injured as a result of breaches of the duties it owed to him.

‘‘The documents sought by Mr Littleton are both relevant and necessary for a proper determinat­ion of this issue.’’

Justice Wylie did, however, narrow the scope of the documents requested by Littleton, which he said had been too broad.

Serco was granted 21 days to file an affidavit listing which of the documents it still holds in its possession.

The case follows repeated concerns about prisoner assaults at Mt Eden prison during Serco’s tenure, including allegation­s of organised fight clubs.

Serco ultimately lost its contract to run the prison after video footage emerged showing prisoners fighting with each other and sparring with guards.

It has already repaid $8 million to Correction­s after the Government took back management of Mt Eden prison halfway through the decade-long deal.

Serco still runs Auckland South Correction­s Facility, the prison at Wiri. A loud explosion followed by two more bangs marked the end of a Lower Hutt hostage drama that lasted through the night.

Within minutes of the explosion yesterday morning, members of the armed offenders squad had a 25-year-old woman in custody and into a waiting ambulance.

Shortly after, another woman was brought out by police and treated for minor injuries. It is understood the two women are related.

The Kings Cres home, which is owned by Salvation Army, allows only pre-approved visitors at certain hours.

Police were unable to say exactly what happened at the home, down a long driveway near High St, but they were called there at 10pm on Wednesday.

By daybreak, at least 10 police cars, as well as fire crews, Welling- ton Free Ambulance, the armed offenders squad, and police dogs were at the cordoned-off scene.

But Dean Christie, whose home overlooks the scene, said the first he was aware of any drama was when he opened his curtain yesterday morning to see the Fire Service’s command unit outside.

Soon, armed offenders squad members were spotted around the hostage house with what seemed to be a listening device to the wall, Christie said.

A ladder was placed to the firststore­y window before what appeared to be a stun grenade was detonated, smashing the window with an explosion and loud bang.

That was followed by two other bangs from inside the house.

Nearby resident Duleep de Silva had been told there had been ‘‘some sort of hostage situation’’, which police later confirmed.

Major Lee Edney, from Salvation Army, said the flats were ‘‘transition­al housing’’ for people facing homelessne­ss.

 ??  ?? Inside Mt Eden prison where Alex Littleton alleges he was assaulted amid a culture of violence.
Inside Mt Eden prison where Alex Littleton alleges he was assaulted amid a culture of violence.

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