Taranaki Daily News

Pandas get good and bad news risk update


CHINA: The pandas’ shaggy ranks appear to be swelling deep in the Chinese wilderness. A national survey of the bamboo forests, completed in 2013, reported 1864 giant pandas. The survey completed a decade before counted fewer than 1600. Population numbers alone, though, paint an incomplete picture.

Using satellite data, a team of scientists mapped 40 years’ worth of changes in panda habitat, the researcher­s reported in a new study published yesterday in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Though there are more pandas, the area they live is in smaller than when the Internatio­nal Union for the Conservati­on of Nature, or IUCN, first listed pandas as endangered in 1988.

‘‘This study is the first that provides a 40-year analysis of panda habitat changes across the entire panda range,’’ said Jianguo Liu, a Michigan State University environmen­tal scientist and an author of the new work.

‘‘It shows that the panda habitat continued to decline until 2001, when the panda habitat began to recover.’’

In September 2016, the IUCN upgraded the pandas from endangered, a status the species held for 28 years. The animals are now classified under the IUCN as vulnerable – not yet a healthy population, but a step back from extinction’s edge.

‘‘The adjustment is a recognitio­n of panda conservati­on success so far. But pandas are still facing threats, especially climate change. It does not mean that panda conservati­on should stop,’’ Liu said.

Liu and his colleagues used satellite images from four years: in

1976, 1988, 2001 and 2013. From 1976 to 2001, panda habitat decreased by

4.9 per cent. From 2001 to 2013 it increased slightly, by 0.4 per cent.

Roads, rivers and tunnels bisect the forests. The average forest patch decreased in size by 24 per cent from 1976 to 2001, and only grew by 1.8 per cent from 2001 to

2013. The sections of panda habitat in isolation has continuous­ly increased, from less than 400 in 1976 to nearly 550 by 2013.

‘‘There have been some good changes and some bad changes,’’ said study author Stuart Pimm, a conservati­on ecologist at Duke University. China ceased logging operations in the panda habitats 20 years ago. The end of this deforestat­ion, Pimm said, was a ‘‘huge positive step.’’

But the infrastruc­ture around the forests is expanding. Bumpy roads that a decade ago would require hours to navigate have been replaced with pavement.

‘‘The panda habitat has been diced and sliced into smaller and smaller pieces,’’ Pimm said.

The worry, he said, is that pandas have been split into isolated population­s. This is particular­ly troubling if there are clusters of all one sex. Unless the males and females can get together, after all, there are no baby pandas.

The conservati­onists recommend that developers build tunnels, which the pandas can cross above, rather than roads over the mountains.

As intensive as the surveys have been, the methods and areas covered were not always consistent.

‘‘It’s been hard to come up with assessment­s that are truly comparativ­e,’’ Pimm said, over the last 40 years. The satellite study is one of the few remote sensing surveys to offer such a long retrospect­ive view of panda habitat.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? A new study shows that although there are more giant pandas, the area they live in is becoming more cramped.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES A new study shows that although there are more giant pandas, the area they live in is becoming more cramped.

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