Taranaki Daily News

Manning: I was denied entry to Canada


UNITED STATES/CANADA: Chelsea Manning said yesterday she was denied entry into Canada because of her criminal record in the United States.

The transgende­r woman was known as Bradley Manning when she was convicted in 2013 of leaking a trove of classified documents. She was released after serving seven years of a 35-year sentence, which was commuted by President Barack Obama in his final days in office.

Yesterday, she posted a letter from Canadian immigratio­n officials to her Twitter account that said she was not admitted because she was convicted of offences deemed equivalent to treason in Canada.

She had tried to cross at the official border office at Lacolle, Quebec, on Friday.

Manning said she would challenge the decision.

Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale suggested yesterday that he would think hard before overruling a border officer’s decision.

People whose criminal records make them ineligible to enter Canada can apply for what is known as a ‘‘temporary residency permit,’’ either before trying to enter the country or at the border. To be eligible, the person has to prove their need to enter or stay in Canada outweighs any risk they might pose to Canadian society. Whether Manning attempted to apply for such a permit is unknown.

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