Taranaki Daily News

Secretary-general ‘was shot out of sky by mystery aircraft’


UNITED NATIONS: A United Nations investigat­ion into the death in office of the secretaryg­eneral Dag Hammarskjo­ld has concluded that his flight was probably brought down deliberate­ly and that the release of classified British and US radio intercepts could solve the mystery.

The report was given to Antonio Guterres, the current secretary-general, last month. It found a ‘‘significan­t amount of evidence’’ that an aircraft brought down the flight carrying Hammarskjo­ld, 56, to what was then Northern Rhodesia in 1961. He was on a peace mission.

He died immediatel­y in the crash outside a tiny airfield along with 14 others on his flight. One survivor held on for a few days. Hammarskjo­ld was the second UN secretary-general and was described by John F Kennedy, then US president, as ‘‘the greatest statesman of our century’’.

A British inquiry pointed to pilot error. A UN investigat­ion failed to reach a verdict.

The latest investigat­ion was ordered in 2015 after research including the 2011 book

turned up ‘‘persuasive evidence’’ that the flight was shot down.

Among the evidence made available was undisclose­d informatio­n provided by the US, British, Belgian, Canadian and German government­s.

The latest report revealed that radio traffic was intercepte­d by British and US intelligen­ce and that its contents, still unknown, most probably held the key.

‘‘The deeper we have gone into the searches, the more relevant informatio­n has been found,’’ Mohamed Chande Othman, a former Tanzanian chief justice, wrote in the report’s summary seen by The Guardian. ‘‘It appears plausible that external attack or threat may have been the cause of the crash.’’ He said the ‘‘burden of proof’’ was on members, including Britain and the US, ‘‘to show that they have conducted a full review of records and archives ... including those that remain classified, for potentiall­y relevant informatio­n’’.

There have been suspicions that Hammarskjo­ld was murdered

"It appears plausible that external attack or threat may have been the cause of the crash."

Mohamed Chande Othman, former Tanzanian chief justice and report co-author

since he died on his way to negotiate a ceasefire in the mineral rich breakaway republic of Katanga shortly after Congo’s independen­ce from Belgium. The plane was said to have been riddled with bullets that the British investigat­ion put down to ammunition exploding in the crash.

Harry Truman, the former US president, told reporters: ‘‘He was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said: ‘When they killed him’.’’

Theories identified his killers as US agents or Belgian mercenarie­s.

At a listening post in Cyprus one US intelligen­ce officer claims to have heard ‘‘I’ve hit it. There are flames. It’s going down. It’s crashing.’’ Another heard voices identifyin­g it as it was coming in to land and saying: ‘‘The Americans shot down the UN plane.’’

 ??  ?? Dag Hammarskjo­ld
Dag Hammarskjo­ld

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