Taranaki Daily News




1. Dreadful (4)

3. Cut off (8)

9. Lunacy (7)

10. Soothes (5)

11. Someone who causes bother (12)

13. Removed from office (6)

15. Extract and purify (6)

17. Weakening (12)

20. Bare (5)

21. Chivalrous (7)

22. Further (8)

23. Repair (4) DOWN

1. Loss of status (8)

2. Wireless (5)

4. Round-up of livestock (6)

5. Unkind (12)

6. Minor illness (7)

7. Allay (4)

8. Slow-witted (6-6)

12. Cursed (8)

14. Express an opinion (5,2)

16. Move restlessly (6)

18. Mindless (5)

19. Gambler’s stake (4)

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Across 1. Assistance 7. Fauna

8. Scented 10. Elevates 11. Rang 13. Wither 15. Reckon 17. Real

18. Croupier 21. Shadows 22. Ingot 23. Patisserie

Down 1. Azure 2. Sea lanes 3. System 4. Apex 5. Catwalk

6. Afterwards 9. Degenerate 12. Peculiar 14. Tuatara 16. Grasps

19. Ingle 20. Foci

 ??  ??

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