Taranaki Daily News

President speaks out as rallies go on


IRAN: In the streets of a north Tehran suburb, piles of ash lay smoulderin­g - the remnants of bags of rubbish set alight by demonstrat­ors.

After four days of protests ranging from the capital’s universiti­es to the holy city of Qom, Iranians desperate for change were anxious about what might come next.

‘‘This is not like anything I have seen before, there are people from everywhere, protesting against everything’’ said Layla, a young media profession­al. The Daily Telegraph has changed her first name for security reasons.

Yesterday, Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s president, made his first public address since protests broke out across the country. In a televised speech, he said Iranians had the right to protest and criticise the authoritie­s, but he warned: ‘‘The government will show no tolerance for those who damage public properties, violate public order and create unrest in the society.’’

Rouhani, who won a landslide victory in May on a reformist agenda, acknowledg­ed concerns over corruption and government transparen­cy.

The protests are the biggest seen in Iran since 2009, when millions took to the streets after the disputed re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d.

The rallies started in Iran’s second largest city of Mashhad in the north-west as a simple demonstrat­ion against corruption and economic mismanagem­ent, but quickly changed into a countrywid­e mosaic of complaint.

Marches took place in more than 30 cities, spreading to Qom, one of Iran’s holiest cities and a traditiona­l bastion of support for the ruling religious establishm­ent. Some protesters chant that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, should step down. Others are angry at Iran’s expensive military campaigns in Syria and Iraq.

For Layla, a university graduate, the protests are about social as well as economic grievances.

‘‘Human rights, freedom of speech - when I was at university I saw my friends getting shot in the streets,’’ she said.

‘‘As a woman, I don’t have any rights, there is absolutely nothing good for women here. There are so many things, if only I could list them all.’’

Yesterday, police in Tehran fired water cannon on demonstrat­ors, according to images on social media, while videos showed clashes in the city of Khoramdare­h in the north-west.

Layla said anxiety and paranoia was rife in the capital. ‘‘It’s a little bit weird. If we had done these things in the past, we would have been killed. We don’t know what we are protesting about, in the streets nobody knows what to shout, there are so many slogans.

‘‘Some shout ‘Death to Khamenei’, some ‘Death to the dictator’ others call for the return of the Shah.’’

For now, many people are attempting to carry on with everyday life - but they are ready to mobilise.

‘‘Tomorrow, I will go to work as normal, but if I hear something is happening, I’ll be ready,’’ said Layla.

State news agency ILNA reported yesterday that 200 people had been arrested and two people had been killed in the western town of Dorud.

Early yesterday, Iranian authoritie­s blocked the encrypted messaging apps Telegram and Instagram. Iran’s Telecoms minister claimed they were’’ encouragin­g the use of Molotov cocktails, armed uprising and social unrest’’.

 ?? PHOTO: AP ?? President Hassan Rouhani speaks in a cabinet meeting in Tehran after a wave of economic protests swept major cities in Iran.
PHOTO: AP President Hassan Rouhani speaks in a cabinet meeting in Tehran after a wave of economic protests swept major cities in Iran.

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