Taranaki Daily News

Chinese paper warns Australia of ‘interferen­ce’


A Chinese Communist Partyowned newspaper has published an article warning that Australia’s ‘‘interferen­ce’’ in the flashpoint waters of the South China Sea may prompt China to ‘‘adopt strong countermea­sures which will seriously impact Australian economic developmen­t’’.

Zhang Ye, a researcher at the Chinese Naval Research Institute in Beijing, wrote in the hawkish Global Times that Australia’s ‘‘kissing up to the United States’’ will ‘‘poison its relations with China and shake up [the] foundation for its strategic balance between China and the US’’.

‘‘Australia has changed its policy considerab­ly. Its bigoted actions have jeopardise­d not only China’s national interests but also Australian long-term interests, bringing Canberra’s structural contradict­ions and strategic dilemma to a worse level,’’ Zhang wrote.

The comments come two weeks after China’s top naval commander formally rebuked Australia’s Chief of Navy, Tim Barrett, over Australia’s policy on the waterways, where China and five other countries have overlappin­g territoria­l claims.

The rebuke was partly in response to Australian navy ships crossing into the South China Sea during multinatio­nal military exercises in September.

In early December, Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Australia’s ambassador to China, Jan Adams, for an official rebuke over revelation­s that China had meddled in Australia’s political system, prompting the Turnbull government to introduce new laws to counter foreign interferen­ce.

And in November China lashed Australia over its Foreign Policy White Paper, saying remarks on the South China Sea were ‘‘irresponsi­ble’’.

In a new year article, Zhang accused Australia of a ‘‘double standard’’ by supporting a 2006 finding brought by the Philippine­s under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea that China has ‘‘no historical rights’’ to the South China Sea.

‘‘However when Australia dealt with its own conflict with the Timor-Leste [East Timor] over a sea border, it took a contrary stance and claimed all the results of the arbitratio­n were meaningles­s and unacceptab­le,’’ he said.

Zhang, whose institute is an arm of the People’s Liberation Army, criticised Australian support for freedom of navigation operations by US ships close to Chinese occupied islands in the disputed waters, saying ‘‘once Sino-US relations are strained, Australia will have to choose between the two countries and fall into a deeper strategic plight’’.

He said Australia’s provocatio­ns on the South China Sea ‘‘have increased Canberra’s strategic burden, widened the gap between its limited powers and its goal to become a middle power’’.

‘‘Australia has held this goal for a long time and wants to have its position in internatio­nal affairs. However due its small population and limited strength, Canberra hasn’t stood out in global geopolitic­s,’’ Zhang said.

Zhang said Australia should recognise ‘‘China’s peaceful rise’’ and not let the South China Sea issue damage bilateral relations or become a ‘‘tool for foreign forces to undermine regional stability’’.

Carlyle Thayer, an expert on the South China Sea at the University of NSW’s Australian Defence Force Academy, said the article was an intensific­ation of China’s anti-Australian rhetoric and was written for Australia’s domestic audience, especially those who adhere to the view of accommodat­ing China’s rise rather than opposing it.

Thayer said Zhang’s view that China should economical­ly sanction Australia for its stance on the South China Sea was ‘‘particular­ly disturbing’’.

He said the tone of the article follows a consistent line by the Global Times to criticise, belittle and intimidate Australia, partly because of Canberra’s criticism of Chinese meddling in Australian domestic politics. - Fairfax

Australia's "bigoted actions have jeopardise­d not only China's national interests but also Australian long-term interests."

Zhang Ye, Chinese Naval Research Institute

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