Taranaki Daily News



Mayor called out

I am also disappoint­ed with the Labour Government action to halt further oil exploratio­n, but I think it is a bit rich that the New Plymouth mayor, Neil Holdom, criticises the Government for lack of consultati­on when, in fact, his pet project in the Long Term Plan of selling off Peringa Recreation­al Reserve land has not included any consultati­on whatsoever with the residents and schools in Fitzroy to gauge what effect this possibilit­y could have on them.

Don Betts New Plymouth

More balance please

The Daily News of Friday 13 April has an unreasonab­ly extremist report on the front page regarding exploratio­n for oil and gas.

It is reported that the Government has decided to stop oil and gas exploratio­n in New Zealand, but the truth is that exploratio­n will continue, as allowed by existing exploratio­n permits, and as will be allowed by new onshore permits issued during the next three years.

The government has not shut down the drilling rigs, as I overheard in conversati­on yesterday. Exploratio­n drilling will continue for many years to come, if the oil industry chooses. However, the Government has sent a signal to the industry that our future lies with renewable energy sources. Now is the time for Taranaki industry and commerce to transition to the developmen­t of energy supply by means of solar and wind energy, or any other sustainabl­e energy source which will not add to greenhouse gases.

I suggest that in future reporting on this issue the Daily News endeavours to present a more balanced view of the situation.

Colin Bell New Plymouth

Confidence shaken

The news ‘‘PM Ardern ending oil exploratio­n’’ (Daily News, April 12) came as an unwelcome shock. As has been pointed out, it is the end of an era. Even if there is no immediate effect, the confidence of investors in business and industry in Taranaki has taken a beating.

What has not been explained is the haste and lack of consultati­on – the only explanatio­n is that the decision was hastily made so that the Prime Minister can tell the Commonweal­th Heads of Government in a major speech in London next week that New Zealand is at the forefront of taking action on climate change.

Does our government not know that, at the end of the day, it is injuring the Taranaki economy and prejudicin­g present and future jobs? And all for the sake of pleasing the adherents to a theory? ‘‘Climate change’’ may be happening but do we influence it? Were Londoners frightened into action during the period known as the Little Ice Age when the Thames froze over in some winters between the 17th century and early 19th century? I do not see ‘‘climate change’’ as a fact on which you can hang a ‘‘principle’’ for taking away the livelihood of men and women in Taranaki.

Robert Sorley New Plymouth

Unanswered questions

The NPDC’s 2018-2028 draft Long Term Plan submission period has begun and they are still using misleading language and propagatin­g ridiculous terms such as ‘Recycling Land’ (which is not actually possible). Why can’t they just be honest and ask our people if they do or don’t want them to ‘Sell off our Recreation­al Reserves’’ for example?

There are still plenty of unanswered questions as to why they have dusted off an old, outdated and previously rejected plan for a $33.5m TSB Stadium ‘upgrade’ and why they are now also offering up a $33.3m ‘downgrade’ of the Aquatic Centre which would leave us without the Olympic sized pool or a diving pool and no outdoor swimming there at all.

Both these are being pitched to the public as essential Flagship Projects that we must have to in order enhance our lifestyle... Yeah right! But if you do support these Flagship Projects (issue 3a) then when it comes to Funding Flagship Projects (issue 3b) please choose Option 3, 4, or 5 because the language that the council have used in their survey and submission form is not clear enough, it is in fact both deceptive and manipulati­ve.

Make sure you have your say, but be careful to not fall into the trap of ‘unintentio­nally’ supporting the Mayor and his council officers in their predetermi­ned endeavour to steal and sell off Peringa Park Recreation­al Reserve (and the Fitzroy Golf Course).

Craig Williamson New Plymouth

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