Taranaki Daily News

Man guilty of road push

- Deena Coster

A man has been found guilty of shoving a teenager onto a state highway just seconds before he was hit by a car.

Zachary Wilmshurst-Reti was found guilty of wounding with reckless disregard yesterday, following a judge-alone trial in April.

When Judge Carolyn Henwood delivered her decision, Wilmshurst­Reti sat down heavily in the dock, with his head in his hands and cried. Supporters of the defendant were also visibly upset.

The 27-year-old had pleaded not guilty to pushing the 19-year-old complainan­t onto State Highway 3 near New Plymouth on March 11, 2017.

Following the push, the teen was then hit by a car, which was travelling about 90kmh.

The impact caused the victim to be flung 20 metres into the air and land on the ground, inflicting serious injuries as a result.

He suffered concussion, a shattered lower left leg, cracked ribs and other cuts and bruising.

During his police interview, Wilmshurst-Reti denied he had shoved the victim, a position he maintained throughout his day-long trial.

Seven witnesses were called as part of the Crown case and the New Plymouth District Court heard how the victim and some friends had arrived to attend a party on Junction Rd in New Plymouth about 9pm.

However the group were told they were not welcome and were asked to leave. At the same time they were leaving, Wilmshurst-Reti and two of his friends pulled into the address.

The defendant was then involved in an altercatio­n with another person, before he was confronted by the teenage victim.

This is the point where at least two witnesses said Wilmshurst-Reti pushed the teenager onto the road with purpose.

Wilmshurst-Reti, who is on bail, will re-appear for sentencing on August 6.

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