Taranaki Daily News

The price of tourism

Tourism hotspots are already bursting at the seams and national park visitors are set to double in five years. Nikki Macdonald asks if it’s time to put a price on tourism, to help manage – and pay for – growing tourist pressures on conservati­on land.


Avolcanic alpine landscape of Lake Wanaka – just join the 40-minute line for your selfie. A rare opportunit­y to experience a dynamic glacial environmen­t – shame about the half-hour wait for a car park.of dramatic contrasts – and queues 20-deep for the toilets. Breathtaki­ng views The rapturous promotiona­l descriptio­ns of our tourist hotspots conspicuou­sly omit the growing reality – unbridled tourism growth is causing overcrowdi­ng, risking damage to the precious places tourists come to experience, and to New Zealand’s reputation as a tourist destinatio­n.

And while the nation’s threatened species become ever more threatened, the de facto tourist department – aka the Department of Conservati­on – is employing car park attendants and investing millions building toilets and tracks for tourists who pay nothing towards their upkeep.

Everyone agrees on the pressure points, reeling them off like a travel brochure – Cape Reinga, Cathedral Cove, the Tongariro Crossing, Aoraki/Mt Cook, Wanaka’s Roys Peak, Franz Josef and Fox glaciers, and Milford Sound. And everyone agrees something needs to be done. But that’s about where the consensus ends.

Options vary from car park charges to a national tourism cap, with everything imaginable in between.

Even DOC appears to be sending conflictin­g messages. Amid chaotic scenes at the Tongariro Crossing access roads in the 2016-17 season, It set up a Tongariro Alpine Crossing Governance Group of iwi, local businesses and conservati­on advocates to investigat­e managing overcrowdi­ng. But then in October

2017 it launched a new promotion of

14 short walks and five-day hikes. They included the Tongariro Crossing; Roys Peak – where there are now 40-minute queues for photos; and Mt Cook’s Hooker Valley, which saw a 35 per cent explosion in tourists this past summer.

The accompanyi­ng press release said the 19 promoted walks had been assessed by DOC staff as ‘‘being able to accommodat­e increased visitors’’. However, documents obtained under the Official Informatio­n Act raise concerns about the crossing’s track erosion, litter and human waste, and DOC rangers removing rock cairns and graffiti instead of maintainin­g tracks. The governance group considered a daily limit of

1200-1500 walkers, about half the number currently crossing the plateau on peak days.

‘‘Socially, culturally and environmen­tally, current growth is a threat to this World Heritage walk,’’ one document noted.

Tourism at a crossroads

January 5, 2017, was the final straw for the Tongariro Crossing. Photos show access roads turned into impassable car parks as a badweather bottleneck of 2750 walkers converged on the alpine trek.

‘‘I have never seen anything like last season,’’ Callum Harland says. ‘‘Last season was too much.’’

A 46-year-old Tongariro local, Harland has been running his Discovery Lodge for 16 years. He’s watched numbers grow 9 per cent a year for a decade, from 45,000 in 2005 to more than 130,000 last year.

It’s great for his track-access shuttle business, and as a competitiv­e mountain runner he has no trouble finding other untouched areas. But the downside has been litter, the eyesore of more toilets, and road mayhem.

Director-general of conservati­on Lou Sanson says including the crossing in the new day-hikes promotion was about trying to raise other day walks to the same level, rather than further promoting the crossing.

This past summer DOC instigated a new system, restrictin­g parking at the Mangatepop­o road end to four hours to force walkers to take shuttle buses to the start.

It was a way both to cut parking congestion and to extract some contributi­on from walkers previously paying nothing for the track billed as New Zealand’s best day walk. And it’s not small fry – in the past five years DOC has spent $1.27m on capital upgrades, including new toilets, road resurfacin­g, track safety upgrades and volcanic risk mitigation. In the past season alone the track cost $800,000 to maintain.

Shuttle-bus businesses pay a $3.50 concession fee per passenger to DOC, but any gain under the new system is offset by DOC now paying $155,000 for parking management.

Everyone agrees the system is a vast improvemen­t.

‘‘The road is a road and it’s not a car park,’’ Tongariro Guided Walks owner Terry Blumhardt says.

Wellington’s Ignite Trust has taken school pupils on the crossing for the past three years. Before the car park restrictio­ns, the bus driver had to park down the access road and walk for half an hour back to the track.

Trust co-ordinator Kevin Goldsbury says this year they drove to the start and found a park no problem. But it didn’t change congestion on the track itself, with a continuous snake of walkers, and toilet queues of 20 or 30 people. The stress of managing 25 kids in a stream of sometimes pushy tourists detracts from the experience, he says.

‘‘You’ve got people who struggle in parts, and people who just want to power through it. That’s often where some of the tension would be.’’

The crossing is a microcosm of the challenges DOC faces in tourism hotspots around the country. They fall broadly into two categories: financial and overcrowdi­ng.

In 2015-16 DOC spent $143m on managing huts, campsites, tracks, car parks and informatio­n, but got back only $17m in concession fees from tourism operators and $16m in tourism charges, such as hut and campground fees. The numbers simply don’t add up, and it’s only going to get worse as national park visitor numbers are predicted to double in five years.

Blumhardt reckons DOC should consider charging walkers, which could in turn help manage numbers. ‘‘Growth is probably not going at a sustainabl­e rate at the moment, and that’s a situation that tourism in New Zealand faces. And the big hard questions need to be asked, around sustainabi­lity, both economical­ly and environmen­tally.

‘‘Things need to an extent to be quantified in money and a price needs to be put on protection of the location and the experience. Very often if you protect the location you end up protecting the experience.’’

So is it time to put a price on tourism on the conservati­on estate?

Border levy

Tourism adviser Dave Bamford says while most countries charge for national parks and nature tourism, New Zealand is increasing­ly becoming ‘‘a nice example of free entry – which no-one else is using’’.

‘‘And it’s not free, because there’s a huge cost on the environmen­t and the communitie­s.’’

DOC has been investigat­ing charging and tourist management options for more than two years. There’s general agreement a border levy is the easiest way to extract conservati­on and infrastruc­ture contributi­ons.

In May, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis signalled plans for a levy, but with no detail about how much would be charged, or how. Labour’s pre-election policy put the charge at $25.

Forest & Bird advocacy manager Kevin Hackwell says the levy should be much higher – maybe hundreds of dollars – to put the brakes on the ‘‘mindless model’’ of high-growth, low-value tourism.

‘‘We’re talking about doubling the number of tourists coming to New Zealand in less than a decade. It’s ridiculous.’’

He argues the tourism industry is where the dairy industry was 20 years ago, pushing unbridled growth without managing the consequenc­es. With 55 per cent of Otago residents now saying overseas tourists put too much pressure on New Zealand, despite it being the region’s economic lifeline, tourism risks losing public support, Hackwell says.

‘‘The industry has got it wrong, they are absolutely at risk of killing the goose that’s laying the golden egg.’’

Tourism Industry Aotearoa boss Chris Roberts rejects the allegation the industry is in denial. He regularly highlights the need for sustainabi­lity, and the industry launched a sustainabi­lity commitment programme last year.

However, that does not talk about curbing growth, and he admits their stated goal of chasing value rather than volume is difficult, as anyone can come here who can afford a plane ticket.

The industry is wary of a border levy, which could unfairly tax visitors coming for business or to see family who never enter conservati­on land.

And Roberts does not accept that New Zealand has too many tourists, just that they are too concentrat­ed in time and place. Instead, he wants to spread them out. But he does support an overhaul of DOC’s charging mechanisms, to help cover costs.

Conservati­on Minister Eugenie Sage rates tourism pressures on conservati­on land as an 8 out of 10 problem. Nowhere is yet at crisis point, but the hotspots are bad. She was at Franz Josef at Christmas, when there was a half-hour wait for a car park.

But she doesn’t think New Zealand has too many tourists. They just need to contribute more to infrastruc­ture and be better managed and better dispersed, by promoting lesser-known attraction­s in less-visited areas.

‘‘I think it’s a case of not spreading the load.’’

Spreading the hurt

Charlie Hobbs is just back from two heli-hiking trips on the Tasman Glacier – wedding photos with a lovely Chinese couple, and lunch at Plateau Hut with a private charter.

A Mt Cook veteran of 35 years, Hobbs has seen a bombardmen­t of tourists to the tiny alpine village. Walkers on the Hooker Valley day walk increased 35 per cent this summer alone.

Hobbs runs Old Mountainee­rs Cafe and a guiding business, so tourists pay his wages. But there’s good, happy busy, and then there’s crazy ridiculous busy. And many valley walkers bypass the village, so contribute nothing to the community.

But words like dispersal strike fear into his heart. Sending people elsewhere is not the answer, Hobbs says. ‘‘There’s other walks around here that are really amazing and we don’t want to have hordes of people going there, because it will ruin the whole concept of what people come here for.’’

Hackwell describes the strategy as ‘‘spreading the hurt’’. Sanson also acknowledg­es the risk of diverting tourists into other areas precious to New Zealanders.

‘‘It’s a fine balance between where you develop for the plusmillio­n-dollar tourism market and those valued backcountr­y resources that New Zealanders grow up in, and love those wide open spaces.’’

It’s also difficult to change behaviour. Callum Harland has tried for years to promote the Round the Mountain track as an alternativ­e to the Tongariro Crossing.

‘‘I haven’t put one single person on that track, no matter how much I talk it up.’’

Hobbs favours instead charging to fund better infrastruc­ture – noone would quibble with a national park fee, which is standard worldwide. With only one entry point to Mt Cook, you could have a toll gate to levy internatio­nal tourists, while Kiwis could enter for free.

But that would require a law change, as conservati­on and national parks legislatio­n rules out charging for access. Sage says that would be a serious departure from tradition and this Government has no plans to revise the law.

The work-around DOC is considerin­g is charging for car parks.

Park and pay

At Punakaiki over summer, cars lined the highway from Pancake Rocks to the village.

Documents show car park charges have been considered for both Punakaiki and Franz Josef Glacier. A $10 charge at Franz Josef could raise $1.2m a year, one document notes.

Patrick Volk, who runs Pancake Rocks Cafe, a backpacker­s and Tasman Sea Retreat at Punakaiki, says there’s no question they need more car parks and toilets. But charging for car parking is ‘‘really stupid’’.

‘‘People will feel ripped off. People would understand if they would walk the Pancake Rocks that they would have to pay $5 or $10 to do the walk, because then they understand it goes to the maintenanc­e of it. What people don’t understand is you have to pay and get ripped off with car parking.

‘‘We are suffering at the moment. There is nothing left on the coast except tourism. If we muck it up, then we have a huge problem.’’

Legislatio­n preventing DOC from charging for walks is not an excuse, Volk says. Just change the law.

Federated Mountain Clubs also opposes car park charges on conservati­on land, and questions whether it’s even legal.

Sage says the idea feels like a slippery slope, and any money raised would have to come back to DOC. She’d rather there was more imaginativ­e thinking about how tourists get to places like Franz Josef and Milford Sound.

At Milford, congestion could be eased by spreading tourists across the day, by encouragin­g people to stay in Te Anau, instead of everyone bussing from Queenstown and disgorging on to cruises at midday.

A park-and-ride system has been introduced at Cathedral Cove, but Hahei residents say their quiet peaceful village is still being turned into a car park. With up to 8000 cars a day, ‘‘the numbers we’ve got coming have just gone out of all proportion to our ability to deal with it’’, says local Bill Stead.

They built a new car park for 180 cars – at Christmas they squeezed in

320 and that will need expansion to

500 to accommodat­e growth. Another local, Gilbert Bannan, chimes in: ‘‘We can’t just say we’ll build an extra car park and put another toilet in, because people just keep coming.’’

Differenti­al pricing

The most likely option to extract a fairer contributi­on from tourists – after a border levy – is differenti­al pricing. That means charging tourists more for the one thing DOC can legally put a price on – overnight stays.

DOC has been considerin­g this for more than two years and Sage is expected to make an announceme­nt today. Even the Great Walks cost $2m more than they bring in, something Sage wants changed.

DOC is also likely to add up to 116 more warden-managed camps and huts to the electronic booking system it uses for Great Walks, allowing it to both manage numbers and ensure walkers actually pay.

Charging internatio­nal visitors more is common around the world, based on the justificat­ion locals already contribute via taxes. But it does foster resentment.

Waitangi National Trust decided in 2014 to charge New Zealanders $25 and overseas tourists $50 to enter the Treaty Grounds. Business developmen­t manager Tania Burt says they do get angry backlash – sometimes to the extent tourists walk away – but it’s not enough to undermine the financial benefits.

Put a lid on it

While extracting more dollars from tourists will help fund desperatel­y needed infrastruc­ture, it won’t solve overcrowdi­ng.

Federated Mountain Clubs president Peter Wilson argues current growth is not sustainabl­e – ‘‘There’s a limit to what we can physically have, and there’s a limit to what people accept.’’

We need limits to protect sensitive land, just as we have limits to protect fresh water, he says. And that means limits on flights into conservati­on land, and more walks managed through a booking system like the Great Walks. Even a national limit on tourist numbers, as in Bhutan.

Daily limits have been mooted for places like the Tongariro Crossing. Roberts thinks a booking system to manage congestion on day walks is a good idea. The problem is how to enforce it.

Daily limits are not without precedent – Ka¯ piti Island has one. Sanson says such tools are still possible but in the meantime the department is focusing on improving facilities at frontline tourist attraction­s and working with councils and other sectors to be more strategic about tourism management.

The department is also battling the Instagram effect – you can invest thousands in new toilets, only to find a single Instagram photo suddenly drives crowds to a completely new location. That’s what happened with Wanaka’s Roys Peak, Sanson says.

Hahei’s Bill Stead says we need to at least think about how many tourists is too many.

‘‘We need to start that conversati­on. Because at Cathedral Cove we don’t have walkers just coming down the normal way; there’s a water taxi which carries about 800 people a day, then there’s all these tour boats operating out of Whitianga over Christmas and they all trundle round the marine reserve.

‘‘It’s just important that we don’t kill the golden goose, because people come to New Zealand for the pristine beauty.’’

 ??  ?? Visitor numbers to Wanaka’s Roys Peak increased by 27 per cent last year, with walkers queueing for 40 minutes to capture this Instagramm­able image.
Visitor numbers to Wanaka’s Roys Peak increased by 27 per cent last year, with walkers queueing for 40 minutes to capture this Instagramm­able image.
 ??  ??
 ?? TOM PULLAR-STRECKER/STUFF ?? DOC continues to promote the Tongariro Crossing, despite up to
2700 people walking it on peak days – double the suggested limit of
TOM PULLAR-STRECKER/STUFF DOC continues to promote the Tongariro Crossing, despite up to 2700 people walking it on peak days – double the suggested limit of 1200-1500.
 ?? GILES BROWN/STUFF ?? DOC is considerin­g car park fees at Punakaiki. A local business owner, Patrick Volk, says more car parks and toilets are needed, but charging for car parking is ‘‘really stupid’’.
GILES BROWN/STUFF DOC is considerin­g car park fees at Punakaiki. A local business owner, Patrick Volk, says more car parks and toilets are needed, but charging for car parking is ‘‘really stupid’’.
 ?? IVANA SARIC ?? Locals say new toilets and car parks will be needed every 3-4 years to cope with tourism growth at Cathedral Cove.
IVANA SARIC Locals say new toilets and car parks will be needed every 3-4 years to cope with tourism growth at Cathedral Cove.

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