Taranaki Daily News

Runner, 82, gains silver but ‘cheated’ of bronze

- Brianna McIlraith

An 82-year-old athlete representi­ng New Zealand claims one of his silver medals came after he was ‘‘cheated’’ out of the bronze.

Peter Sheaf competed in five events at the Asia Pacific Masters Games in Malaysia earlier this month and received a medal in each one. Competing in the men’s

80+ 10km road run, 1500m, 800m, 400m and long jump he said the most peculiar event was the 800m run. ‘‘Everyone was roaring as I was coming up the straight,’’ he recalled. ‘‘As I was getting to the line and the person who had won, who I knew would win, was egging me on.’’

Happy with getting a bronze medal, Sheaf was surprised when official results said he had received a silver medal.

‘‘The guy that got the bronze was one second behind me, he had been waiting at the finish line for about a minute and a half for me to cross.

‘‘And what was happening was he wanted the bronze, he wanted to make up the set.’’

Sheaf admitted he felt deflated after the race, feeling like he hadn’t earned the medal. ‘‘I don’t think I earned it, I really felt like I was cheated out,’’ he said.

Before the games, Sheaf, who has had a hip replacemen­t, trained for six months at the Egmont Athletics Club.

He was thrilled to be able to compete again, especially in the long jump which he hadn’t done since 1958.

‘‘You want a challenge,’’ he said. ‘‘I am really fortunate and happy I am able to do this.’’

Almost collapsing in a 5km kilometre fun run before the opening ceremony due to the 31 degree temperatur­e, Sheaf was questionin­g if he would be able to compete in the games so was pleased he was able to recover and compete, even attending the opening ceremony afterwards.

‘‘I forgot to take my New Zealand flag with me. I thought ‘oh I have to show the flag somehow’ so I took my shorts,’’ he said of his pants that had the flag on them.

Sheaf won four silvers and a bronze medal and hopes to better his running times at the next event. His next goal is the Pan Pacific Masters Games on the Gold Coast in November and is already thinking ahead to the World Masters Games in Japan in 2021.

 ?? SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF ?? Peter Sheaf said he felt deflated instead of elated after being awarded the silver medal instead of bronze.
SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF Peter Sheaf said he felt deflated instead of elated after being awarded the silver medal instead of bronze.

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