Taranaki Daily News

Day of shame

Aussie banks exposed


When entreprene­ur Sean Butler bought the heritage National Hotel in Fremantle in Western Australia, he had ambitions to restore ‘‘a beautiful old hotel’’ to its former glory.

The upmarket four-storey building had catered to affluent punters since the region’s gold boom of the 1880s, but had since fallen into disrepair.

It was a big project, but Butler, the owner of a resort nearby and two further properties, felt prepared.

What he had not factored in was his lender, Bankwest, aggressive­ly asset stripping him and his business.

When he ran low on cash, rather than helping him through a tough patch, his bank put up his interest rates and fees to A$120,000 (NZ$130,000) a month and brought receivers in to seize all his properties. The charges ultimately set him back A$1.2m.

‘‘It was terrible,’’ Butler says. ‘‘I had four dependent children, I was married. I’d built up my assets over my life and had a staff of 50.

‘‘We had record profits when this happened so there wasn’t any problem with the business, it could have continued going forward. It was devastatin­g. I lost my house, I lost my life savings. It was beyond belief.’’

Butler’s ordeal was one of numerous cases of mistreatme­nt by Australian finance firms that grabbed headlines and ultimately forced the government to launch a royal commission into misconduct in finance last year.

No one could have predicted the extent of wrongdoing it would uncover.

In a stinging interim report published last Friday, the commission said it found a rampant culture of greed and bad behaviour. Among the misdeeds were A$1 billion of fees charged for no service, systemic mis-selling of financial advice, insurance premiums taken from dead customers and firms lying to regulators.

Companies preyed on the vulnerable, with services mis-sold to indigenous farmers with limited financial literacy and life insurance companies spying on mentally ill policyhold­ers.

Retired high court judge Kenneth Hayne, who led the inquiry, said firms had too often been motivated by ‘‘the pursuit of short-term profit at the -expense of basic standards of honesty’’.

‘‘Today is a day of shame for Australia’s banks,’’ Anna Bligh, chief executive of the Australian Banking Associatio­n, admitted.

There is already talk among politician­s of breaking up Australia’s banking industry – dominated by the big four players, National Australia Bank, Commonweal­th Bank, ANZ and Westpac – and the major players in its wealthy superannua­tion pensions sector. Adele Ferguson, an Australian journalist who helped uncover some of the scandals and is working on a book entitled Banking Bad, is dismayed the sector was allowed to get away with ‘‘institutio­nalised theft on a massive scale’’ and praises the inquiry for ‘‘helping throw sunlight on a sector allowed to grow in the dark’’.

Allan Fels, a former top regulator at the Australian Competitio­n and Consumer Commission, argues business as usual can no longer be an option: ‘‘The royal commission has exposed in dramatic fashion systemic misbehavio­ur that is unethical and at times unlawful. There has been totally unacceptab­le conduct by banks and financial institutio­ns.’’

As a former watchdog himself, he is dismayed the country’s two principal financial regulators – the Australian Securities and Investment­s Commission and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority – proved so weak.

He criticises a ‘‘culture of nonenforce­ment for over 20 years’’ and a reluctance to take misbehavin­g firms to court. Following the commission findings, an avalanche of court cases against finance firms is now expected.

‘‘Today is a day of shame for Australia’s banks.’’ Anna Bligh, chief executive of the Australian Banking Associatio­n

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