Taranaki Daily News

Cheating texts spark assault

- Catherine Groenestei­n

Messages on Geoffrey Brian Ratahi’s cellphone indicated he had been having affairs with other women, but when his partner confronted him about it, he became so abusive she fled her house – only for him to give chase and assault her.

Ratahi, 30, had left the phone with his partner of three years to reset so he could sell it. But she discovered messages indicating the Taranaki man was having sexual relations with other women in exchange for other benefits, a police summary of facts said.

When the woman left the Opunake house at 2.30pm on September 21 to escape Ratahi’s tirade of abuse and derogatory comments, he followed in his pink Toyota car.

He sped along the footpath towards her outside a primary school, chased her as she attempted to run away, then got out of the car and pursued her, the summary of facts said.

Ratahi grabbed her by the scruff of her top and began ragdolling her and pulling her towards his vehicle.

She pleaded with him to let her go but he refused until, fearing for her safety, she yelled to a man on a nearby property to call the police.

Ratahi then let her go and got back into his vehicle.

He drove alongside her, intimidati­ng her and showing no regard for other vehicles as she walked back home, then sped away, the summary said.

She was nearly home when he arrived, leaped out of the car and chased her.

He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her hard against a wooden fence, then threw her to the ground as she pleaded with him to let go.

Ratahi sped away in the car again, but returned a few minutes later, demanded she let him in to retrieve some belongings, then he slapped her face with an open hand. When he left, the victim locked the glass sliding door behind him, but he returned and kicked it with such force a pane was smashed.

The assaults left several marks on the victim’s neck but she did not require medical attention.

In Ha¯wera District Court on Tuesday, lawyer Rajan Rai entered guilty pleas on Ratahi’s behalf to six charges, three of male assaults female, one of dangerous driving and a fifth of wilful damage. A sixth charge, of escaping police custody, arose after Ratahi was arrested on October 18 but managed to flee through a back door and made off by jumping fences and running through properties.

Judge Lynne Harrison convicted him on the charges and remanded him in custody to reappear on February 14.

O¯ n hearing that, Ratahi asked to withdraw his guilty pleas and get a new lawyer. However, Judge Harrison said if he wanted to apply to vacate his pleas and apply for another lawyer to be assigned, this would need to be done formally at a later date.

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