Taranaki Daily News

Hot pubs, our guest’s summer playlist and bonus puzzles

Kate Robertson has a G-rated offering featuring absolutely no Frozen music.


Family road trips are great. Fighting over the music is not. When kids are young it feels like an endless cycle of Now That’s What I Call Vol. 1276 and *insert hit Disney soundtrack of the moment*. When kids get a bit older, the divide between young and old grows even more heated.

Mum wants James Blunt, Dad wants The Police. Mum hates The Police and Dad hates James Blunt. Kid One loves Kendrick Lamar and Kid Two loves Little Mix. Mum and Dad hate Kendrick Lamar and Little Mix.

No-one wins, ever.

But, there are solutions to the endless debate and whinging from the kids in the back seat (‘‘Play Despacito already Daaaaaaad’’).

To prevent tensions rising so high your 2WD combusts on SH8 somewhere between Twizel and Wanaka, here are some options to keep the peace for more than 15 minutes.

NPR Music’s Best 100 Songs Of 2018: NPR Music’s annual best-of playlist is a Hits For Kids album for a palette craving a little more diversity. The seven-hour playlist will get you from Auckland to Taupo with plenty of time to spare, and covers everything from Top 40 pop to country and jazz. If someone doesn’t like one song, they’ll probably like the next one. Heck, you might even land on one you all like. The playlist can be easily searched for on Spotify.

2019 Grammy Award game: This is an opportunit­y to make a game out of an upcoming event. Listen to every song nominated in a particular category (avoid ‘‘best album’’ categories for the sanity of all involved), then make a call on who’s going to take out said category. Like Cluedo (‘‘Silk City and Dua Lipa win Best Dance Recording for Electricit­y’’), only you won’t know who wins until February 11 when the ceremony is held. The beauty of this means you can come back to the game throughout your January holiday. There’s no great urgency to

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 ??  ?? Sorry Mum, James Blunt is off limits for the summer roadie, but Mary Poppins Returns is the least annoying Disney soundtrack right now.
Sorry Mum, James Blunt is off limits for the summer roadie, but Mary Poppins Returns is the least annoying Disney soundtrack right now.

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