Taranaki Daily News

TTR and opposing groups allowed to appeal

- Jane Matthews

Trans-Tasman Resources will be allowed to appeal the overturnin­g of its seabed mining consent.

Also, the parties that successful­ly had the consent overturned will be able to cross-appeal.

On December 19 the Court of Appeal granted leave to TransTasma­n Resources (TTR) to appeal the decision that saw its plans to mine the seabed of South Taranaki quashed.

This means TTR is allowed to challenge the High Court decision that took away its consent.

In August 2017 the Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA) gave consent for TTR to mine up to 50 million tonnes of ironsand from a 66-square kilometre area off the South Taranaki Bight for 35 years. This followed a failed first attempt.

Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, of Nga¯ ti Ruanui, one of the parties who fought for the seabed mining consent to be overturned, said she had expected TTR to appeal the decision and the iwi was now planning to get its own paperwork done.

‘‘It means that they’ve let us know they’re going to be doing this and this is how they’re going to be doing it,’’ NgarewaPac­ker said. ‘‘It’s basically letting us know that they’ve officially started the process.’’

Ngarewa-Packer said she expected there could be a result by May 2019.

‘‘It’s all a matter of leaving ourselves in the hands of the court.’’

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