Taranaki Daily News

Corbyn backs plan for second referendum


Jeremy Corbyn endorsed a plan to force a second EU referendum as he bowed to pressure from Labour party members and MPs yesterday.

Corbyn wants the Government to give MPs the final say next week on a second referendum. If a majority back a referendum, Parliament could force Theresa May to hold a new in/out public vote that could lead to Brexit being reversed.

Supporters of the socalled ‘‘People’s Vote’’ were jubilant last night, describing Labour’s new policy as a ‘‘momentous’’ move that brought a referendum a ‘‘massive’’ step closer.

It came after May warned MPs that a fresh referendum would ‘‘damage social cohesion’’ because it would ‘‘undermine faith in democracy’’. On Monday the prime minister outlined her Plan B for securing Parliament’s backing for a Brexit deal, which is centred on renegotiat­ing the Northern Irish backstop with Brussels.

However, The Daily Telegraph has been told that Oliver Robbins, May’s chief Brexit negotiator, privately undermined the idea even before she could announce it. He texted Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, during a Cabinet conference call and allegedly said Brussels would not reopen the EU Withdrawal Agreement to renegotiat­e the backstop.

Both Labour and the Tories promised to take Britain out of the EU, and Corbyn is said to be personally in favour of leaving.

However, Labour members voted for a second referendum to become party policy at last year’s party conference, and Sir Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, has put constant pressure on Corbyn to bow to their will.

Last night Starmer got his way as Labour tabled an amendment to a Government motion that will be put to the vote next week if it is selected by John Bercow, the Speaker.

The amendment calls on the Government to allow MPs to vote on options that would prevent a no-deal Brexit. One option would be ‘‘legislatin­g to hold a public vote on a deal or a propositio­n that has commanded the support of the majority of the House of Commons’’.

The Labour amendment also calls for MPs to be given a vote on Britain joining a permanent customs union with the EU.

Corbyn said: ‘‘It is time for Labour’s alternativ­e plan to take centre stage, while keeping all options on the table, including the option of a public vote.’’

Labour sources confirmed that the party would expect remaining in the EU to be one of the options on the ballot paper at a second referendum.

Eloise Todd, chief executive of the Remain campaign group Best for Britain, described Labour’s new policy as ‘‘a momentous day in our campaign’’. She said: ‘‘Labour have put a second referendum on the table with this amendment and this is a massive step forward.’’

Labour refused to say whether it would whip its MPs to support the amendment. – Telegraph Group

 ?? AP ?? Britain’s Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, right, responds after Prime Minister Theresa May, front left, made a statement to MPs in the House of Commons.
AP Britain’s Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, right, responds after Prime Minister Theresa May, front left, made a statement to MPs in the House of Commons.

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