Taranaki Daily News

House set to vote on inquiry


Democrats set the stage yesterday for certain House approval of the ground rules lawmakers will use when they consider impeaching President Donald Trump as the chamber braced for its first showdown over the inquiry.

There was no doubt that the Democratic-controlled body would approve the eight pages of procedures today, with each side likely to lose a handful of defectors, if any.

‘‘As much as this president flaunts the Constituti­on, we are going to protect it,’’ House Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern, D-Mass., said as his panel debated the procedures.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told The Associated Press that the package creates ‘‘much more of a politicall­y closed system than an open system.’’

That echoed Republican complaints that the Democratic-run process has been secretive and tilted against them. Democrats say their plan follows how impeachmen­t efforts against Presidents Richard Nixon and

Bill Clinton were run.

The investigat­ion is focused on Trump’s efforts to push Ukraine to investigat­e his Democratic political opponents by withholdin­g military aid and an Oval Office meeting craved by the country’s new president.

It is likely to take weeks or more before the House votes on whether to actually impeach Trump. If the House impeaches Trump, the Senate would hold a trial to decide whether to remove him from office.

Both parties’ leaders were rounding up votes as today’s roll call approached, with each side eager to come as close to unanimity as possible.

Republican­s said a solid GOP ‘‘no’’ vote would signal to the Senate that the Democratic push is a partisan crusade against a president they have never liked. McCarthy, R-Calif., said he’s unaware of any Republican even ‘‘leaning toward voting for it.’’

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., a moderate who some thought might be open to backing the Democratic rules, said he would oppose them. He complained about the secrecy that Democrats have used and said he had not been pressured by GOP leaders or Trump, with whom he had a drink at a Republican fundraiser Tuesday night.

‘‘You really can’t roll back the clock’’ from the time the investigat­ion began last month, Upton said.

Democrats were also hoping to demonstrat­e solidarity from their most liberal elements to their most moderate members. They argued that GOP cohesion against the measure would show that Republican­s are blindly defending Trump, whatever facts emerge.

‘‘It will show the other party has become the party of Trump. It’s really not the Republican Party any longer,’’ said Rep. Dan

Kildee, D-Mich.

Democrats’ chief vote counter, Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, said he believed ‘‘less than half a dozen’’ from his party would oppose the package. One Democrat whose vote was unclear, New York freshman Rep. Anthony Brindisi, said he’d not been pressured by party leaders to back the measure and said, ‘‘This is a decision I have to make.’’

Republican­s said they’d use the vote to target freshman Democrats and those from districts Trump carried in 2016. They said they would contrast their support for the rules with campaign promises to focus on issues voters want to address, not on impeaching Trump.

GOP leaders called the rules ‘‘Speaker Pelosi’s sham process designed to discredit the Democratic process’’ in their daily impeachmen­t email to lawmakers. –AP

‘‘As much as this president flaunts the Constituti­on, we are going to protect it.’’ James McGovern, D-Mass., House Rules Committee Chairman

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