Taranaki Daily News

Abuse of democracy


Buchanan Brown has the temerity to lecture about democracy when in New Zealand democracy is abused. Evidence: the power-grabbing iwi and nonelected representa­tives they have on several councils, with full voting rights. Right here in New Plymouth, by stealth.

Notwithsta­nding that, we have a ‘‘Government’’ elected solely by a vindictive politician. But, hey, let’s coo over a smiley face despite breathtaki­ng incompeten­ce that rates Ardern with Kirk as the worst prime minister in our history.

Conversely, Trump was solidly elected by the will of his people and will win a second term. He doesn’t suffer fools and he is delivering meaningful employment. A womaniser in company with profligate Democrat presidents before him, FDR, Kennedy and Clinton, who brazenly lied to the American public. Such corruption also exists here.

Scientists who dare to challenge climate change mass hysteria are viciously condemned and even lose their jobs. Aided and abetted by a news media that has been infiltrate­d by the left. All very ‘‘democratic’’ and compliant to the rantings of a silly 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl.

Putin is autocratic, no denial. Indeed, we have suffered autocratic and naive decisions from Ardern, destroying our petrochemi­cal industry and also kneejerk reaction on firearms laws. I’m sure Ardern would kill to have the power that Putin has to advance her socialist and climate alarmist dogma yet further.

Putin has his appeal, notably his statement: ‘‘It is up to God to forgive the terrorists, it is up to me to send them to him.’’

Robert Taylor, New Plymouth

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