Taranaki Daily News

Sinister implicatio­ns


The anti-meat and dairy movement has some sinister implicatio­ns for New Zealand and elsewhere. Science is discoverin­g the widespread mental illnesses attributab­le to a deficiency, and even just a shortage, of vitamin B12.

We have enough problems on our plate (pardon the pun) with increasing mental illness and the treatment thereof, to warn us that an increase would be hard to cope with at this time.

True vegans find ways to harvest the B vitamins from vegetable sources, but it is extremely difficult to provide enough without red meat sources.

Casual vegos are almost certain to run into B deficienci­es, which have a serious effect on mood and wellbeing.

Those of us who see the chaos industry as being a threat to our personal freedoms also see this as being part and parcel of the issue for world domination: first anarchy and then some patronisin­g solutions to control it.

‘‘Here is the medicine for this sickness!’’

But first the people must be desperate; civil disobedien­ce worldwide, for whatever worthy reasons, is a good start. Add in the prospect widening the drug culture with liberal cannabis law and you don’t have to be a genius to foresee the end result.

New Zealand became a great little country on its values of family, ingenuity, and morals, and the courage to stand up for them. We are abandoning them almost daily and will surely reap the result if we continue blindly down this path.

C Purdon, Ha¯ wera

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