Taranaki Daily News

‘Signs of deep division’ in EU over UK trade deal


European Union member states are leaving the door open to Boris Johnson signing a broad-based trade deal by December 31 2020 in the hope that he will embrace a softer Brexit, EU diplomatic sources have told The Sunday Telegraph.

EU leaders last week ordered the European Commission to draw up a ‘‘comprehens­ive mandate’’ for the future relationsh­ip talks, after pushing back against Commission plans to confront Johnson with a narrower menu of options. Three EU diplomatic sources said the shift in position created the potential for a broader future partnershi­p deal, including some elements of services trade, if Johnson chose to extend the transition period which currently expires on December 31 2020.

‘‘The member states didn’t want to limit mandate discussion to a very narrow range of issues,’’ said an EU diplomat familiar with internal discussion­s. ‘‘There was not desire to pre-determine the shape of the negotiatio­n.’’

A second EU diplomat said there might still be space to include elements of services trade that are key to the UK economy. ‘‘Maybe we will be able to get services into the overall package; the UK will no doubt want something on that,’’ the source said.

The orders issued by EU leaders at their quarterly summit in Brussels on Saturday also removed an earlier reference to there being ‘‘limited time’’ for the coming negotiatio­ns, since it appeared to implicitly accept that talks would not run beyond the end of next year.

EU leaders, including the Irish taoiseach Leo Varadkar, have said that it would be ‘‘enormously ambitious’’ to complete a trade deal by the end of 2020, but maintained that he believed a ‘‘mighty’’ agreement could be struck between the two sides.

EU analysts said that the less prescripti­ve approach by EU leaders had revealed that the Commission negotiatin­g team, led by Michel Barnier, and EU member states were ‘‘deeply divided on the best way to proceed’’ to avoid a hard crash out in 2020.

Mujaba Rahman, the chief Europe specialist at the Eurasia Group, wrote in a note to clients that the internal difference­s ‘‘could also presage a less united front; something the Commission worked painstakin­gly to maintain throughout the entirety of the Article 50 negotiatio­ns’’.

– Telegraph Group

 ?? AP ?? Prime Minister Boris Johnson may face a changing attitude among EU nations to a trade agreement.
AP Prime Minister Boris Johnson may face a changing attitude among EU nations to a trade agreement.

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