Taranaki Daily News

Health workers put on alert for cases of coronaviru­s

- Bridie Witton

Health profession­als need to have a ‘‘higher level of suspicion’’ of patients that have recently travelled from a growing list of countries with major outbreaks of covid-19, or coronaviru­s.

During a briefing yesterday, Ministry of Health public health director Dr Caroline McElnay said health officials had been advised to pay particular attention to patients who had travelled from Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, South Korea,

Singapore and Thailand.

All six countries have reported escalating outbreaks of the virus in the past week, with more new cases reported outside mainland China for the first time.

‘‘Anyone who has visited those countries in the previous 14 days who develops symptoms should ring ahead by either phoning Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or ring ahead to their normal GP,’’ McElnay said.

The ministry is also ‘‘searching for gaps’’ in personal protective equipment for health profession­als, she said, ahead of a possible outbreak in New Zealand. This includes masks, gloves and eye wear.

‘‘We are seeking informatio­n from DHBs and PHOs (Primary Health Organisati­ons) as to what is the status of the equipment out there.’’

‘‘We have a lot in supply, [and] want to make sure the supply is distribute­d across the country.’’

About 125 tests for the virus have been now carried out. Six test results have not come back yet, but all others have tested negative for the virus. The six Kiwis at the Whangapa¯roa military camp evacuated from the Diamond Princess are ‘‘all doing well’’ with no signs of the virus.

The virus affects older people the most, with the ministry ‘‘ramping up planning’’ over potential outbreaks in aged care facilities, McElnay said.

She said it would be up to 18 months before a covid-19 vaccine would be available.

The New Zealand Nurses’ Organisati­on and the Associatio­n of Salaried Medical Specialist­s have warned a coronaviru­s hit during the winter flu surge would put New Zealand hospitals at ‘‘breaking point’’.

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