Taranaki Daily News

Luke hits back at Burgess comment


New Brisbane Broncos recruit Issac Luke has hit back at former team-mate Sam Brugess after the Souths legend criticised Luke for smiling and laughing on the field after the Broncos demoralisi­ng loss to the Titans.

Greats of the game took aim at Luke and other Broncos players for sharing a laugh and socialisin­g with opposing players after the full-time siren. The loss was Brisbane’s fifth in a row and the result heaped more pressure on underfire coach Anthony Seibold.

The sight of Luke especially ticked off Broncos fans who took to social media to express their disappoint­ment.

Speaking on Channel Nine’s Sunday Night with Matty Johns, Burgess said the vision of the Broncos after the loss wasn’t a good look and that if he was in that team he would have given Luke a stern talking to.

However, he did note the amount of time Luke has been at the club and how that might have played into his jovial reaction.

‘‘For years I’ve always played with my heart on my sleeve. And I will until the day I hang my boots up. The actions that happened after yesterday’s game were poor on my behalf I accept that. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt to lose,’’ Luke wrote.

‘‘I came to the club because it has been a big dream of mine to don the jersey. A team that I’ve admire over my time of knowing rugby league. It hurts to lose I hate it. And @SamBurgess­8 you know me more than anyone on that panel at how much it would affect me losing last night.

‘‘I also accept that it was in poor taste to show that I don’t care about this club or the jersey. I love this club. I’m also sorry to the members and fans as well as the rugby league community for showing that.

‘‘Normally I wouldn’t react to such I thing like this. It’s just more publicity for the media. But when one of my good mates @SamBurgess­8 said something it hits me personally as he knows what I’m like. You have my number brother. I’m only a phone call away.’’

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