Taranaki Daily News

Viewers of home tested

- Hannah Martin

There are no new Covid-19 cases in the community linked to the Auckland February cluster, but 1236 people have been advised to isolate for two weeks after visiting a Kmart store when a positive case was working.

It was also revealed there was a private home viewing on February 20 at the residence of the three new cases announced on Tuesday. The agent and three people who attended are awaiting the results of their tests.

The new cases sparked the reclosure of Papatoetoe High School, requiring all students and staff be retested, and forcing all households connected to the school into a lockdown of sorts.

Staff, customers and household members of retailers Kmart Botany and Dark Vapes face new health measures after the contact categories were reclassifi­ed on Wednesday evening.

Customers at Kmart – at least 1236 people – and those at Dark Vapes had been reclassifi­ed as close contacts, while staff at both stores were now regarded as ‘close plus’ contacts.

Staff and customers from both retailers are required to isolate at home for 14 days and be tested twice, on day five and day 12.

As of yesterday morning, officials had identified 1525 contacts at Papatoetoe High School, and 1100 had been tested, Stuff earlier reported.

‘‘We continue to work closely with the school to ensure all those in the school community who need to be tested are,’’ the ministry said.

‘‘Where necessary, this includes visits to students’ homes to make sure people are getting the support they need to access testing and remain isolated,’’ it said.

Three new cases in managed isolation were announced yesterday, from the UAE, Papua New Guinea and Mexico.

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