Taranaki Daily News

Labour rebuked for Bishop snub

- Thomas Manch

Parliament’s Speaker, Trevor Mallard, has reprimande­d Labour MPs for their treatment of National Party MP Chris Bishop, after a testy parliament­ary hearing about issues at managed isolation facilities.

At a meeting of the health select committee on Wednesday, Labour MPs routinely frustrated Bishop’s attempts to question officials on a failure to ensure managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) staff were getting fortnightl­y surveillan­ce tests.

In the House yesterday, Mallard said he had watched a recording of the committee and the ability for the Opposition to ask questions was ‘‘not in compliance in the spirit’’ with parliament­ary rules.

Because of this, Mallard said Bishop could have an additional four supplement­ary questions to pursue the issue with Covid-19 Minister Chris Hipkins in the House – effectivel­y punishing Labour.

‘‘From my perspectiv­e, there was not adequate time for the Opposition to ask questions at that time. This was the first opportunit­y, from my perspectiv­e, to at least partially remedy that,’’ Mallard said to reporters afterward.

‘‘It is a clear indication to select committee chairs that it is their job to provide the opportunit­y for officials to be held to account. That did not appear to occur yesterday.’’ He said he had a ‘‘very brief conversati­on’’ with two MPs – but he would not say who – about how the committee played out.

Mallard said it was ‘‘not satisfacto­ry’’ that 23 minutes of a 50-minute session was taken up by government officials, with little opportunit­y for MPs to ask questions. ‘‘I think that ministers will now have a discussion with their own officials to make sure that they do not try and block questionin­g by taking all the time up in making statements.’’

Bishop said he welcomed the Speaker’s ruling, as it ‘‘rightly recognised the committee yesterday was sub-optimal’’.

‘‘Of course it does not deal with the wider issue of the way in which the health committee and committees more generally are scrutinisi­ng the Government.’’

He had yesterday sent a letter to Mallard calling for a reboot of the epidemic response committee which canvassed Covid-19 issues during the height of the pandemic response.

At the Labour-dominated health committee meeting on Wednesday, chairwoman Labour MP Dr Liz Craig directed MIQ officials to talk about the ‘‘basic science’’ behind how the managed isolation system had been set up.

For more than 20 minutes during the opening of the session, Bloomfield canvassed the increased understand­ing that ‘‘airborne transmissi­on’’ of the virus was a risk and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) deputy chief executive Megan Main detailed the ‘‘customer journey’’ that returnees have. But the committee’s direction clearly frustrated Bishop – who at one stage had his head in his hands – and other Opposition MPs, who sought to pursue more probing questions.

MBIE chief executive Carolyn

Tremain, under questionin­g from Bishop, confirmed a security guard who had tested positive for Covid-19 had his last known surveillan­ce test as many as six months ago. But the MP’s attempts to ask further questions, and a request to extend the session to allow for further questions, were disrupted by Craig and Labour MP Ginny Andersen. Green Party MP Elizabeth Kerekere was also not allowed a question.

Green Party co-leader James Shaw yesterday said Kerekere was ‘‘obviously pretty frustrated about that’’ but the party was yet to decide whether it supported the call for a dedicated Covid-19 committee.

Select committees provide a key opportunit­y for MPs to scrutinise government officials, and are particular­ly valuable to Opposition MPs as they lack the access to officials which being in Government provides.

 ?? ROBERT KITCHIN/STUFF ?? National MP Chris Bishop repeatedly clashed with Labour MPs at the health select committee on Wednesday, frustrated at their efforts to limit his opportunit­ies to question officials.
ROBERT KITCHIN/STUFF National MP Chris Bishop repeatedly clashed with Labour MPs at the health select committee on Wednesday, frustrated at their efforts to limit his opportunit­ies to question officials.
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