Taranaki Daily News

Trust is gone


Once again the Crown speaks with forked tongue.

The Te Atiawa Treaty Settlement which Wiki Keenan and I negotiated on behalf of our iwi has been corrupted by

the Crown’s judicial mates (TDN 24/4/21).

We negotiated a 20 per cent discount on all properties purchased by Te Atiawa post-settlement. This was signed off by every Crown agency from the Office of Treaty Settlement­s to Treasury, Crown Properties and God only knows who else.

Then the Minister of Treaty Settlement­s approved it and took it to Cabinet who signed off and referred it to Parliament’s select committee for scrutiny. They approved and referred it to Parliament.

I was in the public gallery with my family the day it was debated and not one MP pointed out any mistakes in the bill. In fact, they were all gushing over what a wonderful settlement it was.

After Parliament adopted the Te Atiawa Treaty Settlement­s Bill it was referred to the Governor-General for royal assent which it received and became law. Now six years later the Crown says, ‘Ouch, we didn’t mean for you to out-negotiate us. It was an honest mistake.’ But here’s the thing that gets up my jumper – if it was a mistake, why wasn’t it spotted throughout the years it took to negotiate the settlement? Was it incompeten­ce on behalf of the Minister and his department? Was it incompeten­ce on the part of Treasury and Crown Properties? Was it incompeten­ce on the part of the Cabinet, the select committee and Parliament?

Because, if you think about it, that’s the only excuse there can be. The whole system was incompeten­t and now it’s also corrupt. Wiki Keenan and I out-negotiated all of them and now they’re crying foul, it’s not fair. Well, the confiscati­on of our land wasn’t fair but you did it anyway. The takeaway lesson for me, my family and my iwi is never trust them. Even when it’s law it’s not safe. So much for the Crown acting in good faith. This little lesson will be trotted out for decades to come to remind the Crown of how loathsome its word is.

Peter Moeahu, New Plymouth

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