Taranaki Daily News




1. Say what it’s like to make disc about beer (8)

4. Degas didn’t complete his retrospect­ive, being old (4)

8. Tent for a junior in the Terriers (3)

9. Stuff to 3 with, or in (5)

10. Literary anecdotes dispensed in equal quantities (3)

11. Ground rising stepwise forms a crater to the east (7)

12. Flabby person exercising dog in gym class (5)

13. Uproots Danish trees, which makes one demoralise­d (11)

17. Turn to the right to get free of it (5)

18. Very forcible way to introduce nitrogen to a flower (7)

20. Pro charge may seem to one to be endless (3)

21. Linked group sex with the United Nations? (5)

22. A lot of whales having no end of sport (3)

23. Grub, and what one does with it (4)

24. Early family member there are no traces of (8)


1. A stand-in at university typed it out (6)

2. Delightful as Peru’s turned out to be (5)

3. He gets after a cricketer to wash the wound (5)

5. Make one happy to put it on in the valley (7)

6. Ended a mixture of it that would make one numb (6)

7. Favourable as it is, our pop explosion (10)

9. Getting through the storm in order to gather wine (10)

14. To modulate the voice may make about fifty ill (7)

15. Toy with one’s dessert (6)

16. A dud coin must be changed with hesitation (6)

18. Being foxy, she sees the archdeacon around nine (5)

19. Octad, all in the same boat? (5)

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