Taranaki Daily News




1. Scottish body of water (4)

8. Emphasise (10)

9. Golden-coloured horse (8)

10. Fold (4)

12. Rabbit colony (6)

14. Instant (6)

15. Large urban areas (6)

17. Package (6)

18. Look after (4)

19. Free of blame (8)

21. People who set a good example (4,6)

22. Seaweed (4)


2. Singly (3,2,1,4)

3. Circle of light (4)

4. Atonic (anag) (6)

5. Tell (6)

6. Client (8)

7. Quick look (4)

11. 100th anniversar­y (10)

13. Caribou (8)

16. Mariner (6)

17. Contemplat­e (6)

18. Ripped (4)

20. Barrel (4)

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