Taranaki Daily News

A few simple strategies can reduce the risk of injury

It’s week 8 of the 16-week training programme for the Cape Egmont Half-Marathon, writes World Multisport’s Mark Turner


The key to improvemen­t with any endurance sport is being consistent with your training. Due to the weight-bearing nature of running, the risk of injury is always there.

However, by adopting a few simple strategies we can reduce that risk and enjoy healthy consistent training.

Run on mixed surfaces such as grass, trails and road to lessen the impact on your body.

Listen to your body and don’t push too hard on days when you are sore or overly tired.

Use a foam roller and trigger point ball to self-massage the major muscle groups – especially lower back, hamstrings, calves and quadriceps

Quality sleep is the single best tool to help your body recover from the stress training places on it. Aim for seven to nine hours every night

Make sure you’re training in good quality running shoes.


Monday: Rest; Tuesday: Easy 45 min with 15 sec walk every 9 min and 4-6 x 60-80m strides; Wednesday: Rest; Thursday: Easy 15 min then 6 x 2min min hard with 2min walk in between and easy 10 min to finish; Friday: Rest; Saturday: Cross Training 30 minutes; Sunday: Easy 50 min with 30 sec walk every 10 min and 4-6 x 60-80m strides.


Monday: Rest; Tuesday: 20 mins easy then 5 x 4 min hard with 4 min jog in between and easy 15 min to finish; Wednesday 65 mins easy and 5-7 x 60-80m strides; Thursday: 50 mins easy; Friday: Rest; Saturday: Cross Training 30 minutes; Sunday: 75 mins easy and 5-7 x 60-80m strides.


Monday: Cross-training 30 mins; Tuesday: 20 mins easy then 5 x 5 min hard with 5 min easy jog in between and easy 15 min to finish; Wednesday: 70 mins easy and 8-10 x 60-80m strides; Thursday: 55 mins easy; Friday: Rest; Saturday: Easy 15 min then

10 x 90 sec hard with 90 sec easy jog recovery in between; Sunday:

85 min easy and 8-10 x 60-80m strides.

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