Taranaki Daily News

Man needed facial surgery after attack

- Tara Shaskey

Drinking alcohol in a van at a Taranaki beach turned violent when a teen attacked his friend and left him with facial injuries which required surgery, it was heard in court.

Jamie Banks, 19, broke the cheekbone of his victim after launching a series of punches to the man’s head.

He continued to punch, kick and bite the victim, the New Plymouth District Court heard yesterday.

Moments prior to the March 5 attack in the car park of New Plymouth’s Back Beach, the pair were seated in a van drinking alcohol, along with other friends.

The two argued and when it got heated, Banks began the assault.

In addition to the victim suffering a broken cheekbone, for which he was hospitalis­ed and required surgery, he also suffered cuts, bruises and bite marks to his body.

In explanatio­n for the offending, Banks told police: ‘‘Is that the weirdo who tried to stab me and hit me with a bottle and grab my genitals.’’

In court, defence lawyer Samantha Hunt acknowledg­ed a pre-sentence report recommende­d home detention but she argued a community detention sentence could instead be imposed.

‘‘He is now in full-time employment, is currently sober, is engaging to a high standard with his probation officer and is actively making changes,’’ she said of Banks, who has previously appeared before the court.

Police prosecutor Detective Sergeant Heath Karlson noted Banks had breached his bail on two occasions.

Despite that, Karlson did not deviate from Hunt’s submission­s, saying that at Banks’ age long-term support would be a better outcome – and he would get that with community detention and intensive supervisio­n.

Judge John Brandts-Giesen acknowledg­ed it was his duty to impose the least restrictiv­e sentence.

After hearing submission­s, he was persuaded to step back from home detention, looking at a rehabilita­tive approach rather than a punitive one.

The judge said Banks had issues with alcohol, violence and impulsivit­y which needed addressing.

‘‘I have listened carefully to what your counsel has said, as well as the sergeant, who see you have qualities which can be built on.’’

Taking into account Banks’ age, previous relevant offending, a guilty plea and remorse, the judge sentenced him, on a charge of injuring with intent, to 12 months of intensive supervisio­n and six months of community detention.

He was also ordered to pay $800 emotional harm reparation to the victim.

‘‘Get on with that job, get on with advancing your life and make sure this is the last time you appear in this court,’’ Judge Brandts-Giesen warned.

 ?? SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF ?? Jamie Banks, 19, attacked his friend while they were drinking alcohol in a van at New Plymouth’s Back Beach.
SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF Jamie Banks, 19, attacked his friend while they were drinking alcohol in a van at New Plymouth’s Back Beach.

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