Taranaki Daily News




1. 5. 10. 11. Sugar Kind A Piece dance of made of acid money held critic, rare in a distant in it true such might exchange Angola a be way (6) (8) (5) for a liqueur (9)

12. 13. Kiss With amorously rhythmic exercise and draw I bear a piece company of male breaking apparel up (7) (7)

14. Long dissertati­on he sits out (6)

16. Old man’s turned nuts (7)

19. Teeth may talk thus in the cold (7)

21. Fine-woolled sheep gets in more of a muddle (6)

25. Got cover for us in red perhaps (7)

26. Dark reddish brown old box may have nothing in it (7)

28. It is weak without thorns (9)

29. Hears about one’s allotted part (5)

30. Country needs regrouping around the West (6)

31. They persist with their gummed labels (8)


1. Out of school, take a girl out and cause an explosion (8)

2. Meal can be made into shackle (7)

3. Night-perch arranged for the torso (5)

4. Missile for which one gets a severe reprimand (6)

6. Intrude where not wanted by lion? Peter could (9)

7. Where water-grasses grow and deer turn up to be drunk initially (7)

8. The critical moment to process large amounts of data (6)

9. It’s a wonder one could reclaim it (7)

15. Enter fire in order to intervene (9)

17. Tampers with gongs, by the sound of it (7)

18. Accord with AC electric iron, say (8)

20. The oils, when mixed, are far from friendly (7)

22. One going to sale maybe to set one apart (7)

23. Busses around the Southeast with skis (6)

24. Pesto, first sauce used for a health drink (6)

27. Cab is adaptable, which is fundamenta­l (5)

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