Taranaki Daily News

Mother’s traditiona­l healing inspired clinic

- By Mihi Henry-hatcher

My profession chose me. I clearly remember the day that inspired me to establish Mihi’s Place, a traditiona­l Rongoā Māori and contempora­ry healing clinic, and the only Māori-owned retail shop in a New Zealand Airport.

Fast track to today, as I take a moment to pause and reflect on myself and Mihi’s Place the moment i saw my own mother receiving healing, 35 plus years ago from kuia and kaumātua (Tohunga of Rongoā Māori).

Her eyes closed, and she was completely relaxed and at peace within herself. She was glowing.

That was the moment that changed my life forever. Never did I imagine it would be such an emotional rollercoas­ter, with its highs and lows.

Not everyone shares or supports your vision, and it can feel like a solitary journey at times. But amidst the challenges, there are moments that surpass expectatio­ns, where the rewards are immense.

I am a person that has taken the time to heal both my inner self and my inner child. I am no longer a victim of my past, I am a survivor. My trauma history does not define me as a woman but inspired me to enable and empower others to heal.

I am filled with gratitude for the opportunit­ies before and the chance to serve others through my business journey.

Running a business isn't a walk in the park, there were times when I felt pushed to my limits and even considered closing up shop. But I always remind myself why I was chosen and why I accepted this path.

So, I encourage you today: chase your dreams relentless­ly. Your journey is bigger than yourself, and finding what you love is key. Don't give up on your dreams; keep pressing on, even on the toughest days.

Feeling vulnerable today, you're capable, you're worthy, and you've got what it takes. Keep going, and never give up on yourself!

It's important to pause and acknowledg­e how far we've come, to never lose sight of our dreams, and to keep pushing forward. It’s how you work through these challenges that will make a difference.

I've come to realise the significan­ce of having the right people by your side; those who understand you, challenge you, and keep you grounded in your truth.

I am so thankful to have those beautiful people in my life today helping me to maintain the mauri of the kaupapa. I’m grateful, for now I know who I am, a successful

Maori woman in business who can stand in my own mauri.

Changing systems to better suit our needs and wants can make a massive difference in the culture of our working environmen­t and adapting to an ever-changing environmen­t yet remaining true to who we are.

I believe that each day we need to remember all those who lead the way for us as women to stand up for what we believe in, and Internatio­nal Women’s Day provides a forum to do just that.

Women are leaders no matter what culture we are from. Women have made history through time and space and will continue to do so because that’s what we are and that is who we are.

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 ?? ?? Mihi Henry-hatcher, of Mihi’s Place, is grateful for the chance to serve others through her business journey.
Mihi Henry-hatcher, of Mihi’s Place, is grateful for the chance to serve others through her business journey.

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