Taranaki Daily News

Māori not cowed by Govt’s ‘racist’ policies

- Peter Moeahu Kaumātua Peter Moeahu is of Taranaki, Te Atiawa, Ngaruahine iwi. He has long campaigned for Māori representa­tion on councils.

A surreptiti­ous war is being waged against Māori by this latest remake of a colonialst­yle government.

Hapu and iwi of Taranaki have experience­d this before. We know what it feels like.

When Pākehā lusted after our Waitara lands, British troops at the behest of the colonial government, invaded, murdered, plundered and stole our lands.

Led by Wiremu Kingi Rangitake, our people fought back and died defending their rights under the Treaty of Waitangi. They fought for peace and justice, which was denied them by the racist government of the day.

When Pākehā tried to impose their unlawful will on Māori in South Taranaki our South Taranaki hapu led by Titokowaru opposed them.

For that they were invaded by British troops, at the behest of the colonial government, and a murderous scorched earth policy was employed against our people.

After these unlawful invasions were objected to, the colonial government promised to set aside reserves to ensure Māori could sustain themselves on their own lands.

When these reserves failed to materialis­e Taranaki hapu, lead by Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi at Parihaka, peacefully protested against this injustice.

For this they were invaded, murdered, raped, plundered, imprisoned without trial and exiled to Otago as slave labour. My great-grandfathe­r, Tamati Whanganui was one of them.

One of the reasons Pākehā were able to feed their greed for our lands and resources was because they jacked up the electoral system to ensure they had the political majority at a time when they were in the minority.

They weren't screaming one man one vote then. Hell no. And ever since then they have continued to manipulate the electoral system to maintain their political advantage. And that brings us to today.

Local Government Minister Simeon Brown seeks to continue to manipulate the electoral system by forcing councils to hold referendum on whether there should be Māori wards on councils.

He's not forcing councils to hold referendum on other wards, only Māori wards. Why? Because he's catering to the racists in our society who hate anything Māori and he is afraid that if he doesn't do this they will turn on him.

But it's not only Māori wards this government is attacking.

They have kicked out the Māori Health Authority. Why? Because the Māori hate campaign lead by the likes of Don Brash and his Hobson’s Pledge mates has permeated the bowels of government policy.

I still remember the hateful Iwi vs Kiwi billboard campaign Don Brash ran in order to deny Māori the right to have our day in court over the foreshore and seabed issue.

Rather ironic given that you can't get more Kiwi than Iwi.

I didn't hear anyone screaming one law for all back then. No, the catch cry was don't let them go to court, they might win.

So the government cowed by this blatant racism changed the law denying Māori access to the courts and to justice.

Am I surprised by these latest attacks against my people? No.

Am I cowered by the blatant racism permeating current government policies? Hell no.

Do I know how to fight back? Hell yes. In the words of that famous song, “You ain't seen nothing yet”.

 ?? SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF ?? Taranaki Kaumātua Peter Moeahu believes Māori are facing repeated racist policies from the coalition Government. (File photo)
SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF Taranaki Kaumātua Peter Moeahu believes Māori are facing repeated racist policies from the coalition Government. (File photo)

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