Taupo Times

Election Issues: transparen­cy

- MATT SHAND Christine Rankin Rosanne Jollands

‘‘There has been much criticism by council candidates standing this year about a lack of transparen­cy around council decisions, in particular the amount of closed meetings in council meetings. Do you feel council is currently conducting in a transparen­t manner? What would you do differentl­y if mayor? ’’

With several councillor­s running for the Taupo District Council running on platforms that call for greater transparen­cy, this week we have asked council candidates to speak their piece about how council conduct business.

I believe in maximum transparen­cy in all council dealings certainly in terms of outcomes. This council has a reputation for withholdin­g informatio­n and, bearing in mind it is exclusivel­y the ratepayers money they are spending, this is totally unacceptab­le. Hiding behind confidenti­ality ensures ratepayers are kept in the dark until controvers­ial decisions are beyond change. The current scandal with the previous ceo’s enormous recent payout, despite this council receiving clear legal advise not to do this, is proof of this process. We as Ratepayers should be outraged and hold the Mayor who led this decision and all councillor­s that voted for it to account. I promise that as your mayor I will create a transparen­t system including all mayoral spending and expenses in detail.

As your mayor I will guide council to make the right decisions for our district. As a result there will be little need to hide behind confidenti­ality. To be extra clear, there will not be any cronyism or golden handshakes on my watch as mayor. There has been a lack of transparen­cy in council. We should make decisions knowing they will be subject to scrutiny. My voting record shows I have stood firmly against the poor decisions hidden from ratepayers by confidenti­ality. I confirm I voted against the golden handshake for the previous CEO. Moving forward hiding unpopular decisions behind confidenti­ality in council meetings will be something associated with past mayors, not me. Ratepayers deserve better.

 ?? FAIRFAX NZ ?? Taupo Mayoral Candidates David Trewavas, Kim Eyles, Rosanne Jollands and Christine Rankin front questions of transparen­cy this week.
FAIRFAX NZ Taupo Mayoral Candidates David Trewavas, Kim Eyles, Rosanne Jollands and Christine Rankin front questions of transparen­cy this week.

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