Taupo Times

Don’t ignore menopause


Menopause is quite a hard topic to accept and because of this, an evening based around it will be held to help educate and inform.

Taupo’s women’s health physiother­apist, Leah White, will be sharing 90 minutes worth of research based informatio­n on menopause as this September is national Menopause Awareness Month.

It is an issue White feels isn’t talked about enough.

‘‘A lot of health profession­als don’t talk about it in the depth that it needs,’’ she said. ’’[And] a lot of people out there ignore it. It’s not a disease, its a normal stage of life.’’

White said the informatio­n evening is for women or their partners to hear researched based evidence on menopause and it also gives them an opportunit­y to ask questions.

‘‘It will be covering things like bone health, hysterecto­mies, and hormonal changes,’’ White said.

‘‘It will also give the practical things they can start doing straight away to help ease the transition into menopause.’’

White added that too many people are in denial about menopause and hopes the reflaxed environmen­t of the evening will help people accept it more.

Menopause the Older Sister of Puberty evening will be held September 22, 7:30-9pm at Plateau Bar & Eatery. Tickets are $25 and includes a glass of bubbles and nibbles

Spaces are limited, to book call (07) 2132138

‘‘A lot of people out there ignore it. It's not a disease, its a normal stage of life.’’ Leah White.

 ??  ?? Too many women are ignoring the signs of menopause.
Too many women are ignoring the signs of menopause.

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