Taupo & Turangi Herald

Wednesday Walkers


Last week we set off from the clubrooms opposite the AC baths and headed up Spa Rd and on to the 1km path that runs all the way to Taharepa Rd. It was at this point a gentle drizzle became a heavy shower of rain. You can learn a lot about people by their attitude to rain. Some see it as a gloomy misfortune, while for others it is a joyful life-giving phenomenon. Luckily most of the Wednesday walkers must belong to the latter group as the downpour was met by peals of laughter and jokes. Someone received a phone call from Wharewaka and was assured that the weather there was fine. “Okay,” said someone else, “if that is the case all we have to do is walk over there.” After sheltering under a tree for a while we trudged on. In fact, about 10 minutes later the sun came out and it was suddenly a lovely afternoon. By the time we were back at Spa Rd it was glorious. Indeed it was like something from an advertisem­ent for a holiday resort where we waved to the golfers on the Tauhara course and smiled at the people going into the Bridge Club to attend lessons for new players.

It takes more than a shower to dampen the spirit of the Wednesday walkers.

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